How to configure a chamber theme and logo

Article author
Emma West
  • Updated

What is the purpose of the article?

This article is designed to provide an overview of how to configure the colour scheme/theme of a chamber as well as how to change the logo.



A Meddbase chamber can be customised in appearance by colour scheme (theme) as well as the logo in order to support particular branding or company theme colours if required.

As standard, the Meddbase logo is visible on all chambers in the top right hand corner, however this can be replaced by a client-specific logo.

It is important to note that colours schemes and logos are set at a chamber level and cannot by customised per individual user.


How to modify the chamber theme

Configuration settings for the modifying the colour scheme are available under:

Admin > Configuration >Theme

The Theme configuration page is divided into different sections for related components. To change the colour for any component, select the colour block and either pick a colour or enter the RGB code. Each component has a tooltip tooltip.png available to provide a description of what the component relates to on the user interface.

Theme change.gif

There are also some specific settings which can be checked including ‘Rounded Tiles’ and ‘Tile Border’ to change the appearance of the Start page tiles.

Once the desired changes have been made, ensure you Save your changes using the button above the left-hand menu.

To reset the colour to the default for any component, use the reset icon reset.png

Note any changes made are logged in the Activity Log.


How to modify the logo

On the Theme configuration page, under Admin > Configuration > Theme, navigate to the Logo section and select the + to add a new log to replace the existing logo in the top right hand corner.

Logo change.gif

The file format of the new logo must be in SVG format (Scalable Vector Graphics). This ensures a crisp, responsive image that scales appropriately depending on the window size.

It is possible add an animated logo if required, as long as its in the SVG file format.

Once the desired logo has been selected, ensure you Save your changes using the button above the left-hand menu.

The reset button reset.pngwill reset the logo to the standard Meddbase logo.


Review date

This article was last updated on 26 of September 2023 in the context of Meddbase version