Template Codes - Quote

Article author
Kacper Gladys
  • Updated

What is the purpose of the article?

This article outlines the different codes that can be used to include Quote information in templates.


List of template codes for Quote and a related description

Below is a list of template codes for Quote and an associated description for each item.




{Company Name}

Your company name

{Company Total}

How much a company (employer or insurer) pays for patient's appointment


When (dd/month/yyyy) the quote is going to expire


Total value of the appointment


Creates a table with billing items


Net value

{PageNumber} {PageNumberOf}

Document pages


How much a patient pays for the appointment


Primary attendee's ID


Details of the appointment - date, time and site


Quote number


The profile name of the user who created the quote


The date when the quote was created (dd/month/yyyy)


Today's date


VAT value


Additional Information

Quotes are stored under Patient Templates. They are created when an appointment is being booked. You can multiple quote templates.

If you want the codes {ProposedAppointmentDate/Time/Site} to work, you need to go to Admin -> Configuration/Accountancy and tick the three boxes under 'Quotes' section: "Only valid...". You can also change the expiry date there.


Review date

This article was last updated on 24 June 2021 in the context of Meddbase version