Template Codes - Appointment

Article author
Kacper Gladys
  • Updated

What is the purpose of the article?

This article outlines the different codes that can be used to include Appointment information in templates.


List of template codes for Appointment and a related description

Below is a list of template codes for Appointments and an associated description for each item.


Additional Information

The following template codes can be used in the appointment context. This includes the 'Documents' button on the appointment home page, or from within the consultation. Please note the '/' denotes variations of the code e.g mobile or phone or email or Fax.


Codes - Appointment Details

{Appointment.Date} Date (dd/month/yyyy)
{Appointment.StartTime} Start time HH:MM
{Appointment.FinishTime} Finish Time HH:MM
{Appointment.Length} Duration in minutes
{Appointment.AppointmentType} Name of the appointment type
{Appointment.Comments} Comments - from Appointment Home Page
{Appointment.Site} Site
{Appointment.Location} Location
{Appointment.Status} Status - arrived, seen, discharged
{Appointment.Cost} Net cost of the appointment
{Appointment.Services} List of all booked services
{Appointment.Services.Table} Returns the Service Names & Prices*
{Appointment.ServicesSafeNames} List of all booked services, displaying Safe Name rather than Name
{Appointment.ServicesSafeNames.Table} Returns the Service 'Safe Name's & Prices*
{Appointment.Id} Unique Appointment ID in Meddbase
{Appointment.SiteAddress} Address of the appointment site
{Appointment.SiteAddressOneLine} The address displayed in one line
{Appointment.SiteComments} Comments of the appointment site
{Appointment.SitePhone} Phone for the appointment site
{Appointment.SiteEmail} Email for the appointment site
{FromDoctor.X} For referrals - X represents any code regarding a medical person who referred the patient - please see the relevant codes in this article
{ToDoctor.X} For referrals - X represents any code regarding a medical person to whom the patient has been referred - please see the relevant codes in this article


*Important Notes:

  • {Appointment.Services.Table} and {Appointment.ServicesSafeNames.Table} Template Codes are specifically designed to function when generating documents or emails via an appointment.
  • While the template codes may appear in other document generation or patient contact options, they will not work correctly outside the context of an appointment.

Clinical form fields

Each field within a clinical form has a unique code. Using these unique codes to create custom template codes allows you to pull specific information from the Clinical form directly into a document. These template codes are numerical. If you don't know the code of the field you wish to use, please contact support.



Codes - Primary Doctor

There are a range of Doctor related codes that can be used in the context of an appointment. These follow the format {Appointment.Doctor.X} where the 'X' would be replaced by the second part of the Doctor code.

So for example, the doctor code for the doctor's surname is {Doctor.Surname}. In the context of an appointment, the code would be modified to add appointment to the beginning of the field in the format {Appointment.Doctor.Surname}.

The related article Template Codes - Doctor provides a list of the doctor template codes that can be modified following a similar method as described above and used in the context of appointment templates.

    Please note: When we refer to Doctor in this article, the term includes both Clinician and Medical Person.  


Codes - Patient

There are a range of patient related codes that can be used in the context of an appointment. These follow the format {Appointment.Patient.X} where the 'X' would be replaced by the second part of the patient code.

So for example, the patient code for the patient's first name is {Patient.FirstName}. In the context of an appointment, the code would be modified to add appointment to the beginning of the field in the format {Appointment.Patient.FirstName}.

The related article Template Codes - Patient provides a list of the patient template codes that can be modified following a similar method as described above and used in the context of appointment templates.


Review date

This article was last updated on 5 July 2021 in the context of Meddbase version