Assigning Licences

Article author
James Walker
  • Updated

What is the context of the article?

Once you have added licences to your chamber, you will need to assign them to users to enable them to log into the system.

Please note: Without a licence, users will not be able to log into Meddbase, even if they have been issued a user name and set their password.

For more information on how to add users to your chamber please read the following article: Adding Users

For more information on how to add licences and the two types of licence please read the following article: 'Licences' and 'Seats' explained

What is the purpose of the article?

This article will guide you through the process of assigning licences to users so that they are able to log onto the system and start using Meddbase.

Assigning licences

In the ‘User Profiles’ list (Start Page > Admin > User Management) you may find that some of your user profiles appear in black font where others are greyed out. Those greyed out profiles are yet to be assigned a licence (or their licences have been removed) and as such they will be unable to access Meddbase.

In the screen shot below, the first three users in the list have been assigned licences. This can be noted by their names being in a black font, and the type of licence that has been assigned can also be seen. The fourth user in this list does not have a licence assigned to them.

In order to assign a licence to a user, click on the user's name - this will bring up the user management dialogue box. To the top left you will see a ‘Licence’ button, click here.

You will be presented with two options, one for full-time licences and another for concurrent licences. 

If assigning a Full Time License, a dialog box will appear asking you to confirm if you wish to proceed with assigning a Full Time License to a user as it will be locked for 60 hours.

 Clicking Yes here will apply the License and send the user an email to their external account informing them that they are now able to access the system.

If assigning a Concurrent license, a dialog box will appear explaining a concurrent license has now been assigned and an email has been sent to the user informing they are now able to use Meddbase. Click OK to confirm.

Now your user will have a license and be able to log into the chamber.

Review date

This article was last updated on 19th of September 2024