What is the context?
Meddbase can accommodate different types of referrals, both externally to providers who are not using Meddbase and internally, where referrals can be made to other users of the chamber. To facilitate these internal referrals, a chamber company must be set as 'Referable' in the system. This setting allows other Meddbase users within the same network to refer patients to the chamber, or allows internal referrals to be made for patients linked to the chamber. The process includes setting up the referral contact and defining the specialisms the chamber is able to accept, ensuring that only relevant referrals are made.
What is the purpose of the article?
The purpose of this article is to guide users on how to configure a chamber company to send and recieve internal referrals.
Setting the Chamber company to be referrable
For the chamber company to be referred to, the company record must be set as 'Referable'. These options are set within the company Details Section of the company located Company > Find Company > Company Details.
The first setting which needs to be selected is that the company is referable. This means that other users of Meddbase can refer to your chamber company if they are connected to you via the 'Network'. Or that patients linked to this chamber can be internally referred.
A Referral contact will need to be set this is the person that will receive the notifications of a new referral has been made to your chamber company. This person is set up Company > Find Company > Contacts. Should the company have more than one contact then the relevant person will be selected from the list.
Then the specialisms will also need to be set. This is where the specific specialisms that the company chamber wants to accept are set. This would then restrict what type of referrals the chamber company could receive.
Once done, click save to save any changes.
Review date
This article was last updated on 30th January 2025.