What is the context?
Meddbase is a highly adjustable and configurable application, able to accommodate various workflows allowing you to conduct your business in a connected and cohesive manner. You can streamline the tile options on the Meddbase Start Page removing those tiles that are not needed for groups of users or certain roles. You can also move less frequently used tile options behind other tiles to achieve a simpler home page.
What is the purpose of the article?
This article will walk you through the process of creating custom Start Page layouts as well as steps required to select a layout for a user.
Start Page Layouts
Once logged into Meddbase, you will automatically be directed to the Start Page which will look like shown on the image below.
To customise a layout:-
1. From the Start Page navigate to Admin > Common Catalogues > Start Page Layouts.
Here you can either amend the current default layout or add additional layouts for different groups of users.
2. Add a new layout by clicking New start page layout.
You'll then be required to give your layout a name, once you click save the new layout will be ready to edit, you may need to refresh the page for it to appear in the left hand menu.
By default you will be given a very basic layout like the below:
If you would prefer to work from an existing layout you can do so by clicking copy tiles in the top menu and choosing the layout you would like to work from.
You can then amend the layout tile by tile. In this example I've copied the default tiles over so I can create a new layout that's similar to the default.
Once you've selected the tile you want to edit you're given a variety of options on the right hand side, including the option to delete that specific tile:-
- Title - Amends the main heading of the tile
- Description - Adds an optional description of that section (as shown on Mail Merge tile)
- Icon - Amends the Icon in the bottom right hand corner of the tile
- Main Action - Dictates the action from clicking on the tile, if you use open tile-set you'll then be asked to choose a tile sub-set e.g. The Patient tile is set to open the tile-set "Patient" and will open a secondary tile set. This will automatically pull through the tiles in the secondary tile set through as sub titles and relevant actions.
- Sub Title - Adds a sub-heading to the time which you can link with an appropriate sub action.
- Sub Action - Links an action to the sub-heading to take you directly to that area of the system.
You can add up to 5 sub-actions to each tile - if you want any additional sections added it may be more appropriate to add new tile set.
Once the new layouts have been set up they can be assigned in user settings:-
- From the Start Page navigate to Clinician > Personal Details > User Settings > General > Default Start Page Layout
- Select the Start Page Layout created earlier
- Click Save to apply the settings
Review date
This article was last updated on 2nd December 2024