Template Codes - Patient Portal

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What is the purpose of the article?

This article outlines the different codes that can be used to include Patient Portal information in templates.


List of template codes for Patient Portal and a related description

Below is a list of template codes for Patient Portal and an associated description for each item.

Code Description
{BeginLink} This code defines the beginning of the link which directs patients to the portal website
{EndLink} This code defines the end of the link which directs patients to the portal website
{CopyLink} This code will display a link for the patient portal
{ActivationCode} If SMS validation is enabled, this code will send new patients registering to the patient portal a validation code via text
{PlainPassword} When resetting a patient's portal password, this code will display the new password


    Please Note - These codes will only work in the context of portal account activation templates.  


Review date

This article was last updated on 2 July 2021 in the context of Meddbase version