Template Codes - Company

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  • Updated

What is the purpose of the article?

This article outlines the different codes that can be used to include Company information in templates.


List of template codes for Company and a related description

Below is a list of template codes for Company and an associated description for each item.


Code Description
{Company.Name} Name of the company
{Company.Code} Code given to the company
{Company.ExternalIds} Companies external ID
{Company.VatNo} Company VAT number
{Company.Address} Company address 
{Company.AddressOneLine} Company address - displayed on one line 
{Company.BillingAddress} Company billing address 
{Company.BillingAddressOneLine} Company billing address - displayed on one line 
{Company.BankName} Company bank name
{Company.BankAccountNo} Company bank account number
{Company.BankBranchCode} Company bank branch code
{Company.EmailDisclaimer} Company email disclaimer (as entered on the Company Details page in the Disclaimer section)
{Company.InvoiceDisclaimer} Company invoice disclaimer (as entered on the Company Details page in the Disclaimer section)
{Company.LogoMedium}  Company logo (as uploaded/saved on the Company Details page in the Logo section), in a medium size
{Company.LogoSmall}  Companies logo (as uploaded/saved on the Company Details page in the Logo section), in a small size
{Patient.EmployerObject.Logo} Logo of the company set at the Employer on the Patient's Detail page
{Appointment.Company.Logo} Logo of the company that is facilitating the appointment


Review date

This article was last updated on 22 June 2021 in the context of Meddbase version