To setup day sheet printing, first go to the admin section and define the items you wish to display on the print out.
Start Page > Admin > Application Configuration.
On the left side you will see the 'Day Sheet' section
Tick the items you would like to appear on the day sheet print out and hit save.
To print the day sheet hit either print today, week or month from the page you wish to print in the schedule page.
For example, if you wish to print all appointments for the day, for all doctors, go to quick links, schedule, hit print today.
If you wish to print an individuate doctors diary, go to Start > Doctor > Find a doctor > Diary > Print. You may also click on the doctors name from the main schedule page and hit print.
Note: To print the background grey bars, using the Internet explorer tools button, click Internet properties...
... and next click 'Print background colours and images' under the advanced tab > printing section.
The grey bars will appear on the print out.