Once logged in, you will automatically be directed to the Start Page which will look like the image below.
This is the Meddbase Main Navigation Page. All parts of the system can be accessed through this page. In the top right-hand corner of the page by selecting the Meddbase logo this displays a 'Quick Links' section which can also be used to access the more commonly used parts of the system.
The search box can be used to find and locate Patients, Companies, Invoices etc and view appointment.
Meddbase displays a 'Breadcrumb Trail' which is permanently displayed in the top left-hand corner of the application and shows you the pages of the system you have most recently accessed. To go back a stage, or back to the Home Page, always select an item from the trail. The Start Page will always be displayed at the beginning of the trail. Do not use the back and forward buttons within the browser, unless there is no other option.
Please note if you do not use the application for more than 15 minutes the trail may reset, only displaying the start page. This is a feature of Internet based applications.
The Mail option is a list of emails sent from or within Meddbase using the Meddbase email address. Please note that this is not outlook and will not be linked to your external mail server.
Any Networks you have joined will also be displayed on the left-hand column below the mail option for easy access to these.
Users may also use this page to navigate between their personal calendar, contacts, tasks and settings using the navigation options at the bottom left of the page.
The calendar page allows users to book meetings directly into the user's schedule. The diary page linked to the user's home page is not to be used to book patient appointment. Please use the "Side-by-side schedule" to book appointments.
Allows for documents to be uploaded here as well as new documents to be created. These however will only remain here and not link to any patient or clinician or anywhere else within the system.
The contact section is a personal address book for each user. You may also view other users address books via the doctor home page.
The work page displays your tasks when they were due and who they have been delegated to. Alongside a summary of the task that is required.
The edit option in the top left-hand corner allows user to set preferences such as their default location, and if they wish a location too. Out of Office settings should you be on annual leave. A public profile can be set here so your colleagues and any networked connections would be able to see for example your LinkedIn profile URL. Here you can also set your preferent on Notifications for when you are both logged in or out of the system for each specific section of the application.