What is the context and purpose of the article?
Scheduled sessions and appointments for clinicians (or virtual clinicians) are not necessarily fixed. For example, should a clinician take ill then the day’s appointments may need to be transferred. Or, where a doctor is on maternity leave, multiple scheduled sessions may need to be re-assigned or removed.
This article outlines the steps you can take to re-assign sessions and appointments in the following scenarios:
- 1 - Re-assigning a single session
- 2 - Re-assigning multiple sessions
- 3 - Re-assigning multiple sessions where there are conflicts
It also provides a few hints and tips about further things you can do.
Scenario 1 - Re-assigning a single session
You can re-assign a single session from one clinician to another clinician via the Site Scheduler. To do this:
1. Navigate to Start Page
2. Find the Clinician from whom the session is going to be re-assigned
3. Open the Clinician record
4. From the Doctor Details summary, select Site scheduler from the Actions panel
The Site Schedule page for the current week is displayed.
5. Navigate to the required session to be re-assigned
6. Select the session
7. In the Session dialogue that is presented, select Re-assign
8. In the Re-assign clinicians screen that now appears,
8.a Select the field labelled Click to select account
8.b From the menu that is now displayed, select Change
9. In the Select Account screen
9.a Input the search criteria in the left-hand panel
9.b Select the clinician from the Medical Staff results
You are returned to the Re-assign clinicians dialogue which now shows the selected clinician.
10. Select Re-assign in the bottom right of the screen
11. In the Re-assign Items confirmation dialogue click Yes to proceed
The session is re-assigned and you can close any open dialogue screens for re-assignment.
Scenario 2 - Re-assigning multiple sessions
In order to manage large re-scheduling tasks, Meddbase enables you to re-assign multiple sessions from one clinician to another.
To do this:
1. Navigate to the Site Schedule for the clinician from whom the sessions are to be re-assigned (similar steps 1-4 in Scenario 1 above)
2. Navigate to the week from which sessions should be re-assigned
3. Select Re-assign from the top of the screen
You are presented with the Re-assign Clinicians window which is comprised of
- A range of filters to the left.
- A session/appointment list to the right,
The filter options are explained below.
Filter option | What this allows you to do |
From / To | Set the date range of your list. This could be to re-assign tomorrow’s schedule, an odd week, or a whole year. |
Time Range | Set the hours of the appointments or sessions for which you are searching. Perhaps a clinician’s afternoon clinic is moving to a different time? |
Mon-Sun | Set the days of the week for which you want to show sessions or appointments. |
All Virtual Clinicians |
Show sessions being held by ‘Virtual Clinicians’. |
Add Account or Role | Select the individuals or role group whose sessions you wish to re-assign. |
Site/Location/Type | Filter sessions belonging to a certain site or location. Or of a specific appointment type. |
Display | Choose whether you are re-assigning whole sessions or just individual appointments. |
Display Count of Appointments | When ticked will show a count of the number of appointments in each session. |
In this simple example, we'll re-assign the sessions that are selected by default.
To continue from here:
4. Select Re-assign sessions at the bottom right of the screen
5. In the Re-assign clinicians screen that is now presented,
5.a Select the field labelled Click to select account
5.b From the menu that appears select Change
6. In the Select Account screen that appears
6.a Input the search criteria in the left-hand panel
6.b Select the clinician from the results
7. Back in the Re-assign clinicians dialogue select Re-assign in the bottom right of the screen
8. Click Yes to confirm the re-assignment.
The multiple sessions are re-assigned and you can close any open dialogue screens for re-assignment.
Scenario 3 - Re-assigning sessions where there are conflicts
Scenario 2 illustrated a 'happy path' showing no conflicts in the re-assignments. Where there are potential conflicts, such as existing bookings, Meddbase will provide you with a range of options to manage them.
To re-assign sessions and take action with conflicts:
1. Navigate to the Site Schedule for the clinician from whom the sessions are to be re-assigned (similar to the initials steps in Scenario 1 above)
2. Navigate to the week from which sessions should be re-assigned
3. Select the Re-assign button from the top of the screen
4. In the Re-assign Clinicians screen window,
4.a Apply the required filters
4.b Choose the sessions to be re-assigned
4.c Select Re-assign sessions in the bottom right of the screen
5. Select the required clinician to whom the sessions should be re-assigned (in a similar way to steps 5-6 in Scenario 2 above)
The count of conflicts is shown in the Accounts tab of the Re-assign clinicians screen.
6. Optionally, navigate to the Conflicts tab to view the detail of the conflicts
From here you can view the detail of the conflicts and take actions such as:
- Skip (the re-assignment)
- Re-assign possible appointments
- Disable online bookings
You can get Meddbase to help you with this process of resolving conflicts. To do this:
7. Navigate to the Resolve Conflicts tab
7.a Select the required Resolve Conflicts tick-box
7.b Select Apply
7.c Click on OK to the information message about what conflicts that will be solved
When you have completed your review of conflicts and made the required selections:
8. Select Re-assign in the bottom right of the screen
8. In the Re-assign Items dialogue asking you to confirm, click Yes
The re-assignment is carried out. Where there are unresolved conflicts, these are presented in the Conflicts tab.
From here you can review the detail of the conflicts and potentially take further action, such as re-assigning appointments to alternative clinicians.
Did you know?
There is a range of other useful things you can do when re-assigning sessions. These are noted below.
You can delete empty sessions when re-assigning sessions
From the Re-assign Clinicians screen, you can Delete empty sessions.
You can re-assign appointments rather than re-assigning sessions
From the Re-assign Clinicians screen, you can toggle the display to Appointments and then re-assign appointments rather than sessions.
You can re-assign sessions for extended date ranges (beyond a week)
From the Re-assign Clinicians screen, you can extend the date range of sessions to be re-assigned to multiple weeks.
Review date
This article was last updated on 2nd December 2024