Working with Meetings

Article author
Dan Jordan
  • Updated

What's the context?

There may be situations where clinicians are busy with meetings outside of appointments during their normal working schedule. To provide visibility of these other scheduled activities, you can create meetings and add clinicians, and non-medical staff as attendees.

This helps to:

  • Plan activities
  • Reduces the chance of double booking a clinician's diary
  • Provide clear visibility of commitments for clinicians.

What is the purpose of the article?

This article outlines:

How do you book a meeting via the Calendar?

The process for booking a meeting via the Calendar is explained step-by-step in the article ‘Booking & managing online meetings’. Although in that context the meeting is ‘online’, the booking steps are very similar.

To complement that explanation, the short video below provides a demonstration of what you can do to book a meeting using the Calendar.


How do you book a meeting via a Room?

To do this:

1. From the Start page, select the Room tile

2. Then select Meeting

3. In the Book Meeting page showing the location/room schedules, select the required Site from the drop-down at the top of the screen

4. Navigate through the Calendar in the top right and choose the required day

5. In the required Location (i.e. the Room) click on a Start time slot

6. Now you can add attendees:

6.a Select the Add attend options on the left-hand side of the screen

6.b Search for the attendee from Meddbase records

6.c Select the required record from the results

6.d Repeat the addition of attendees as required

7.  Optionally, you can

7.a Update the Length of the meeting from the pick-list

7.b Set a Subject for the meeting

7.c Add Notes for the meeting

8. Finally you can Save the meeting via the button in the top-left of the screen.

The meeting is created, added to the diary for each attendee. It will also appear in the schedule when booking further meetings.


What are the characteristics of a booked meeting?

When viewing a booked meeting you can see:

  • Attendees
  • Schedule
  • Location
  • Related documents and comments

You can also

  • Invite further attendees
  • Assign tasks in relation to the meeting
  • Add documents
  • Cancel the meeting

Further information about these features are set out in the article ‘booking and managing online meetings’.


What if…?

In the context of meetings and diary availability, there are a few ‘what ifs’ you may have. We address some common ones in the sub-sections below.

You are attending a meeting but there is no location specified

In this situation, viewing the schedule for a Room won’t help you find anything out about the meeting. Alternatively, you can find some detail from your calendar as follows:

1. Go to the Calendar from the start page of the Meddbase application

2. Navigate to the appropriate date for the meeting via the monthly calendar in the top-left

The meeting will be displayed as a booked slot in the Calendar. To continue to view the detail for the meeting

3. Click on the meeting

By doing so, you can see information about meeting attendees, documents or comments added to the feed. The video below provides a short walk-through of how to do this.


You want to find out whether a clinician is free for a meeting at a specific date and time

If you are looking to check this before making a booking you can do as follows:

1. From the Start page go to Clinician
2. Find the clinician
3. In the Actions panel, click on Diary
4. Navigate to the correct day using the Calendar

You are then presented with a list of their scheduled availability and booked slots.

GIF showing process for find clincian -viewing their diary and navigating to a specific day to check availability


You want to check the availability of rooms/locations for a meeting and avoid clashes

It is possible to check room/location availability before you start to book a meeting. To do this:

1. From the Start page go to Room

2. Select the Meeting tile

3. Choose the correct site from the drop-down list

4. Navigate to the appropriate day in the Calendar

You are then presented with a side-by-side schedule for that day of rooms registered on your system. Any appointments and meetings recorded as using these room are displayed. Also their allocation to clinicians is shown too.


You want to show a commitment in your diary (to prevent double-booking)

If you are committed during a time in your schedule, for example attending an external meeting or an online CPD session, you can book a meeting to show that it is being used. To do this:

1. Go to the Calendar

2. Navigate to the appropriate date via the monthly calendar in the top-left

3. Click in the time slot on the day that denotes the time you wish to block out

4. Complete the booking of the meeting

This will then mean that the time is shown as booked in your diary. If a Meddbase user then tries to book an appointment at that time via the Clinician Schedule, it will present a double-booking warning.

That said, you may prefer to adjust the availability for Scheduling via the Site Scheduler so that the blocked out time is not included in the scheduled time shown as being available for appointments.


You want to change the colour coding for meetings

You can change the background colour for meetings in the diary. This can help make them stand out from appointments. To do this:

1. Go to Admin from the Start page

2. Select Configuration

3. Go to Schedule and Day Sheet

4. Find the setting for ‘Meeting Schedule Item Colour’

5. Select the required colour from Meeting schedule item colour

6. Save the change

By doing so, when 

  • Viewing a Diary
  • Viewing Side by Side Schedules
  • Booking a meeting

This background colour is then displayed for meetings.

Review date

This article was last updated on 5th December 2024