Please Note - This article is archived. Please review Accounts page explained - What can you see and do you in the Meddbase Accounts page? – Meddbase Help Center.
Meddbase allows you to view and manage outstanding debt and historical invoices through the accounts tool. You can access the accounts page for your company directly from the start page by clicking on the ‘Accounts’ tile.
The accounts page comprises of three main parts:
- The ‘Filters’ section in the top left hand corner
- The ‘Type’ Section in the bottom left, and,
- The central listing pane
We can begin by looking at the ‘Type’ section. This allows us to switch between invoices, outstanding debt, billing items, payments, credit notes and purchase orders (1 to 6). Clicking on any of these will change the type of listing displayed within the listing pane and also change the filters to more appropriate variables.
With invoices highlighted, we will look at the filters section here. The first option is the choice between ‘Debtors’ and ‘Creditors’ (7 and 8). As this is the primary billing company the majority (if not all) of your invoices are for debtors.
The second variable consists of two calendars, these function to specify the date range (9-10). Select a date to begin your search from the first calendar and the final date to be included from the second calendar. Once these dates are selected you may hit the ‘Refresh’ button to list this invoices between these dates.
Other options include limiting the results to only the following (11-16):
- Patient Invoices
- Company Invoices
- Sent Invoices
- Un-sent Invoices
- Invoices with balance outstanding
- Invoices with no balance outstanding
You may also choose to return invoices sent to a specific account (17). Click the field next to the word ‘Account’ to pick this.
Finally, you may specify a range of invoice numbers you are interested in finding by using the ‘From’ and ‘To’ fields (18).
Once you have completed the filter section hit the ‘Refresh’ button to load the invoices (or other account type item) at which point you will be given a range of information for each invoice. Clicking on an item will load up the full invoice allowing you to send, pay or credit the invoice as usual.