Creating Services

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Services within Meddbase are defined as anything that can be provided to patients as part of an appointment or outside of an appointment. These are things such as procedures, products or tests. To add new services, go to the Start Page, followed by 'Admin' > 'Service Management'. Within the service management page, click on 'New' and select a category depending on the service type you want to add.

Services are split in to 6 categories:

  • Modules - Contains a group of services for regularly applied combinations. (More about modules can be found in the ‘Creating Modules’ section).
  • PACS - Imaging type services that can send requests to modalities or PACS providers automatically.
  • Procedures
  • Products
  • Tests - Allows access to the ‘Path Lab’ feature to generate laboratory request forms or send requests electronically where available
  • Vaccinations


 All service types contain the same basic options, these are:

  • Name - The name of the service.
  • Safe Name - A ‘Safe Name’ that will appear on patient invoices in place of the service name.
  • Code - Give your new service a code to make searching for services quicker and easier. Can also be used for reporting purposes.
  • VAT Exempt - Define whether this service is subject to VAT charges.
  • Length of time to perform the service on the patient (in mins) - The length of time this service is expected to take.
  • Recall Reason - The default description attached to a recall alert created from this service.
  • Recall Days - The default number of days for a recall after this service is applied.
  • Recall Months - The default number of months for a recall after this service is applied.
  • Recall Years - The default number of years for a recall after this service is applied.
  • Accountancy Nominal Code - Use nominal codes to sort your services into groups for reporting or accounting purposes.
  • Accountancy Department Codes - Use department codes to sort your services into groups for reporting or accounting purposes.
  • Notes For Admin – Detail entered here will be presented to the user in a popup format during the booking process or when adding the service from the service picker.

For certain service types, other options are also available:

  • Tests
    • Expected turn-around time from starting the test to receiving the results (in days)
    • Provider
    • Print Code
    • Parameters
  • PACS
    • Receiving Application
    • Receiving Facility
    • Modality