The Radiographers Workflow

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Once a patient has arrived the radiographer will receive a notification to inform them that a patient is waiting.

From the Start Page, the PACS Inbox can be accessed to the left hand side.


Upon opening the PACS inbox, the radiographer can view the currently waiting patients including the ID, Status, Time and Summary of the order. Click on an order to bring up further information.

The page which follows contains three options:

  • Imaging Complete - Informs Meddbase that the image has been finished and sent to PACS
  • Cancel - Informs Meddbase that this image was not complete
  • Assign To Someone Else - Allows you to assign this work to another Meddbase user

Once the image is marked as completed, the radiographer may then perform one of three further actions:

  • Accept for Report - The radiographer will report on the image themselves
  • Assign To Someone Else - Delegate this report to a specific individual or group for reporting
  • Attach to Patient Record and Archive Work-item - No report will be generated for this image, simply store the image against the patient record