Template Codes - Referral

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  • Updated

What is the purpose of the article?

This article outlines the different codes that can be used to include Referral information in templates.


List of template codes for Referral and a related description

Below is a list of template codes for Referral and an associated description for each item.




Doctor referred to.


Doctor referring.


Surname of the referred doctor (valid also for FromDoctor).


First Name of the referred doctor (valid also for FromDoctor).


Reference Number.


Name of the clinic.


List of the services.


Referral Notes.


List of the services with prices.


Total price of the referral.


Date of the appointment.


Time of the appointment.


Authorisation Code.


Title of person issusing the referral.


Name of person issusing the referral.


Name of the company issusing the referral.


Contact information of person issuing referral.


Title of person receiving the referral.


Name of person receiving the referral.


Name of the company receiving the referral.


Address of person receiving the referral.


Contact information of person receiving referral.


Your company name.


The referral date.


Today's date.


Details of the referred patient; X represents any code regarding patients - please see the relevant article.


Details of a clinic that a patient is being referred to; X represents any code regarding companies - please see the relevant article.


Details of a doctor who issued the referral; X can be any code regarding medical persons - please see the relevant article.


Details of the referrer; X represents any code regarding the referring person, for example, Title.


Details of the referring chamber; X represents any code relevant to the chamber, such as Name.


Additional Information

Below are some additional points of reference.

  • Referrals are stored under Templates > Patient templates.
  • You can have multiple referral templates.
  • More settings about referrals can be found under Admin > Configuration > Referrals.

Review date

This article was last updated on 7 July 2021 in the context of Meddbase version