Template Codes - Medical History

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What is the purpose of the article?

This article outlines the different template codes that can be used to include Medical History information in templates. It goes on to provide:

List of template codes for Medical History and a related description

Below is a list of template codes for Categories within the Medical History and an associated description for each item.




Entire Medical History














Drug History








Family History


Numerical Data (Meta Data)




Pathology Results


Past Medical History


Acute Prescriptions


Repeat Prescriptions


Social History






Further Information - Episode-specific and Case-specific codes

The codes in the list above can be used to pull the patient medical record out into a document. If these are used from within the document section, they will pull the full record. 

You may also pull episode-specific and case-specific values into a document by replacing the patient part of the template code. But the document must be launched from within the relevant case or episode for this data to pull correctly

To launch an episode or case-specific document, use the “Print” or “Create Document” button located at the bottom of the clinical form within the actions section. This will load the document template manager where you can create a new document from the template and the current episode and case will be referenced for context.

To pull episode-specific data, please replace the word patient in the code with the following:

For all Episode Data: Appointment.Episode

For example, to pull all data for a single episode you would use {Appointment.Episode.MedicalRecord.All}


For all Case Data: Appointment.Case

For example to pull all data for a specific case you would use {Appointment.Case.MedicalRecord.All}


Customising medical history tables

Medical history is presented in tables. You can customise them by adding some changes to the codes.


Type: {Patient.MedicalRecord.Allergies.NoDate} - if you don't want to see the date when the information was recorded

Type: {Patient.MedicalRecord.FamilyHistory.NoSummary} - no summary displayed

Type: {Patient.MedicalRecord.Vaccinations.NoHeader} - data is not displayed in table

You can use all of the alterations above together.


Episode-specific or case-specific data


Type: {Appointment.Episode.MedicalRecord.PathologyResults} - for pathology results for the appointment

Type: {Appointment.Case.MedicalRecord.All} - for all medical record for this case


Information from a specific clinical form's field


Type: {Appointment.Forms.Label:History of presenting complaint} - for this specific field of a clinical form

Type: {Appointment.Forms.Label:History of presenting complaint.List} - if you do not wish this information to be presented in a table


Review date

This article was last updated on 15 July 2021 in the context of Meddbase version