Making use of the company documents section

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Each company within Meddbase has a documents section. This documents section can be used to store relevant documents against that company. For example, if you have Bupa setup as a company, you may wish to attach PDFs relating to their schedule or you have a specific contract with them that needs to be shared. Attaching documents to a company mean all documents are centrally managed and accessible by all (Access rights permitting) 

Your main billing company also has the same document section. Again, you can attach anything to this company and use it as a general filling system allowing you to share information with users locally and remotely. 

Attaching a document to a company is simple. 

First, find the company within Meddbase. Go to the company home page and click Documents. By default this page will be empty. If there are documents attached, it will default to the last document attached. 

To attach a new document, click the attach button. This will load the document upload window. 

Next click browse to find the file you would like to upload. Click the upload button and this will upload the file and display the file name. You may also give it a type. This is similar to adding it to a folder and helps categorise the file. Additional comments can also be added. 

Once done, hit OK and the file will be attached. 

If the file is a word document, PDF or image, Meddbase will preview the file on-screen. Other file types will need to be downloaded to be viewed. To download the file hit "download" and the file will open locally. (Note, you must have the Meddbase document manager installed to open and download file)