Installing and setting up the Document Manager

Article author
Greg Pietras
  • Updated

What is the context?

As well as allowing you to open and save files, the document manager also encrypts files stored temporarily on your computer and safely deletes from any temporary folder after you close them. This ensures that if unauthorised access were gained to your computer, your patient data will not be compromised. The Document Manager is a crucial tool for Meddbase to interact with your computer and as such its use is strongly advised for all users.

What is the purpose of the article?

The following article is a step-by-step guide on how to install the Document Manager plug-in on your computer.

Installing the Document Manager for Windows

1. The Document Manager Installer can be found on the ‘Links’ page from the Meddbase Start Page.


2. Clicking on this link, depending on your browser settings, download an installer file and prompt you to open it, or open it automatically.

3. Run the installer and follow the on-screen installation instructions to install the Document Manager on your system.

The default location for the Document Manager is ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Medical Management Systems Ltd\Meddbase Document Manager’ for 64-bit operating systems. For those running older 32-bit systems, the installation path will be ‘C:\Program Files\Medical Management Systems Ltd\Meddbase Document Manager’.

Installing the new version of the Document Manager will automatically replace the old version installed on your computer.

Installing the Document Manager for Mac

If you are using an Apple Mac, you can download a Mac version of the Document Manager from the same Tile on your Meddbase Start Page.

From May 2023 Meddbase recommend the use of Document Manager for all Apple Mac users for an improved experience. Meddbase will no longer be updating WebDav from May onwards and will be retiring it in the near future. If you have any queries about this please do not hesitate to contact our Support Team. 


Clicking the link downloads a .pkg file that will launch the installer when the user opens the file or automatically, depending on the Mac user preferences.


User Preferences - Document download options

Meddbase gives users the option to configure document download options per-user or per-browser.

To do this:-

  1. From the Start Page click Settings (top action bar)
  2. Click Preferences.
  3. Scroll down to the Document download options section.


There are 2 dropdown menus here:

  1. User defaults - the setting selected here controls document download options for your user account, which means the same settings will apply on whichever browser you use.
  2. On this browser - the setting selected here controls document download options for the browser you are currently using to access Meddbase.

The settings available for selection are:

  • Use chamber default settings - this will set your download options to the default one set up by your system administrators. This is the setting that should be selected. We only recommend changing this if you are already experiencing problems using it.
  • Use the document manager - This only affects word documents and is not compatible with Apple Mac Computers. You are required to have the Document Manager installed on your computer in order for this to work. We recommend trying this option if you are experiencing issues downloading Microsoft Office (Word) Docs from Meddbase and are using a Windows 7 or newer computer
  • Use WebDAV for Microsoft Office documents only - WebDAV is an alternative to the document manager. If you are experiencing issues with the Document Manager option selected or are using an Apple Mac computer, we recommend this option.
  • Use WebDAV for all document types - this option can be used if you are not only experiencing issues with downloading all types of documents and not only Office documents.

Once you have selected your document downloading options, click Save to apply your settings.


Reassociating a .meddbase file type with Document Manager

There can be issues related to downloaded Meddbase files that are opening in another program that has been incorrectly configured with this set file type.

Click here for a detailed article that provides you with support if you are having issues with downloading documents via Document Manager to Microsoft Word. 


What can you do using the Document Manager?

Please find below a list of file types, available actions, functionality and other rules that apply when using the Document Manager. These apply to both Windows and Mac computers.

File type/extension Available actions/functionality 
  • Download
  • Open
  • Edit
  • Save


  • Download
  • Open
  • Save
  • Download
  • Open
  • Save
  • Download
  • Open
  • Edit
  • Save
  • Upload
  • Download
  • Download*

*These files are deleted automatically as soon as they are downloaded

Other rules and functionality
Meddbase user can Meddbase user can not
  • Download import Schema/Template .csv files in Admin > Data Imports
  • Download results on pages where the export button is available Export_button.png
  • Download/edit/save documents uploaded via a Pathway
  • Download/edit/save .docx, .txt, .png, .pdf documents from the patient's Medical History and/or Documents
  • Upload files larger than ~28MB


If you intend to work with (a) .meddbase document(s) for prolonged periods of time, please ensure your chamber has an appropriate timeout. This timeout is set as a number of seconds where you are not asked for login credentials when you open or save a .meddbase document. It is measured from the moment the document was downloaded. The setting can be accessed by navigating to Admin > Configuration > Application > File download 'No login' time (secs).


Review date

This article was last updated on 2nd December 2024