Security Policy - Document Certificates

Article author
Greg Pietras
  • Updated

What is the context?

Security Policies govern different aspects of data security in Meddbase. Each policy type (or certificate) governs a set of user permissions. 

These permissions determine if or how users will be able to interact with data protected by a given policy or certificate, e.g. Company record protected by a Company Policy; Patient record protected by a Patient Policy.

Many permissions need to be used in conjunction with permissions governed by other certificates e.g. Patient Certificate(s).


What is the purpose of the article?

This article provides a detailed description of user permissions governed by the Document Certificate(s).



Permission Description
View Document

Allows users to view the documents list on a Patient, Company, Medical or Non-Medical Person record page.

(Please note! This permission also requires granting the View Demographic as well as View Document and/or View Medical Record permissions on the respective Patient, Company, Medical or Non-Medical Person certificates).

Download Document Adds users' ability to view the Document Preview. The only actions users can take on a document with this permission granted are: Print, Collaborate, Assign Task, Email, add/change Comments.
Modify Document Adds users' ability to edit the contents of the document using the Document Editor.
Delete Document

Adds users' ability to delete a document.

(Please note! This permission also requires granting the Modify Documents and/or Modify Medical Record permissions on the respective Patient, Company, Medical or Non-Medical Person certificates).

Restore Document Adds users' ability to restore a deleted document from the Deleted Document View (lower left side of the Documents page)
Rename Document Adds users' ability to change the document is saved under
Change Type

Adds users' ability to change the Document's Type, thus changing where it is stored in the Patient's, Company's, Medical or Non Medical Person's document record.

(Please note! If no documents of a given Type are present, assigning that Type to a document creates a new folder in the document record)

View History Adds users' ability to view the history of a document incl. when it was created, viewed and modified
Can Share Documents With Patient/Employer 

Adds users' ability to share documents with patients via the Patient Portal and/or with the patient's employer via the Referral Portal

(Please note! Patient Portal and Referral Portal are chargeable features, requiring multiple configuration steps)

Can Assign Policy

Adds users' ability to assign this policy to a document, template or document type.

(Please note! This permission needs to be granted on at least 1 document policy for the user to be able to create or upload new documents and templates or create new document types)

Can Un-assign Policy

Adds users' ability to un-assign this policy from a document, template or document type.

(Please note! If multiple Document Policies are in use, un-assigning one policy from a document or template and assigning another, requires the Can Assign Policy permission granted on the latter policy)



Review date

This article was last updated on 3rd of June 2021 in the context of Meddbase version