How to view and use a Clinician's Diary

Article author
Dan Jordan
  • Updated

What is the purpose of the article?

To walk-through how you can view a Clinician's diary and summarise the actions you can take.


Accessing the diary

To view a particular clinician's diary, you will need to follow these steps:

1. From the Start Page, navigate to Clinician and then Find Clinician

2. Choose the clinician you want to view

3. Click Diary


The Diary for the clinician is displayed.



What you can see and do in the Clinician Diary

From the diary, you can see a range of features and take a range of actions. These are noted below.


View details for each appointment

By viewing the diary, you can see appointment details for each appointment including:

  • The scheduled start time
  • The scheduled end time
  • The patient name
  • The appointment type



View the status for each appointment

Identify the status for each appointment via the background colour for the appointment in the diary. As summarised below.

  Background colour   Meaning

  The patient has been discharged


  The patient is being seen


  The patient has arrived and is waiting to be seen


  The patient did not arrive


  The patient has not yet arrived.


Select an appointment to go to the appointment home page

By selecting an appointment from the clinician diary, you are taken to the appointment home page from where further actions can be taken. 



View and select a meeting

Meetings for which the clinician has been recorded as an attendee are displayed in the Clinician's Diary. When you select the meeting, you are taken to the page for that meeting.



Selecting the date, days to view, printing and task viewing

There is a panel to the right of the diary which allows you carry out a range of tasks in relation to the clinician and their diary. Namely to:



Want to see more?

The short looping demo below shows some of the steps discussed above. Specifically:

  • Selecting the diary
  • Appointment selection
  • Changing the calendar display
  • Printing a diary for this afternoon



Review date

This article was last updated on 1 July 2021 in the context of Meddbase version