How to change your password as a user in Meddbase

Article author
Sarah Kate Daly
  • Updated

What is the purpose of the article?

To advise a user how to change their own password in their chamber.


How to change your password

To do this:

1. Log into Meddbase using your existing password

2. On the Start Page, under the breadcrumb trail at the top left of the page, click on the menu item Settings

3. From the menu that appears, click on Set Password

4. In the Set Password dialogue that appears

4.1 Type in your Old Password

4.2 Type in your New Password

4.3 Type in your New Password (repeat)

4.4 Click on Set Password

Voila, your password is updated.


The password rules for expiry, character length, character content (e.g. numbers, punctuation characters) and previous passwords remembered are controlled by your administrator via Admin > Security Policy > Password Policy.

Review date

This article was last updated on 4th December 2024