Registering consultants to receive referrals

Article author
James Walker
  • Updated

What is the context?

Meddbase is designed to handle a wide range of referral types, making it a versatile solution for managing patient care pathways. Whether your organisation needs to receive external referrals, send referrals to external providers, or manage internal referrals within your practice, Meddbase accommodates these processes seamlessly.

External referrals can be sent to other organisations, ensuring patients receive the necessary care outside your practice. Similarly, internal referrals enable efficient coordination among consultants and clinicians within your organisation. By advertising referral types and managing consultant availability, Meddbase ensures referrals are handled accurately and efficiently.

What is the purpose of the article?

This article will guide you through how to configure Medical Persons to receive referrals in Meddbase.

How to set up your chamber to be referrable

In order to be referred to, each consultant needs to have a user profile in Meddbase and an assigned account.

Step 1: Creating a user profile

  • To start, click 'User Management' on the Admin tile.
  • Click 'New User'.
  • Provide the user with a username.

Step 2: Assigning an account

  • Click inside the box next to 'Assign account' to assign an account.
  • Click 'Add Medical Person' to begin adding the details of a consultant.
  • Fill in their demographic details, such as their title, name, surname.
  • Under the Referral Specialisms section, click 'Modify'.
  • Add a check next to any specialisms that the consultant can be referred for.
  • Click 'Save changes'.
  • Click 'Save' to save the changes to the consultant's details.

Step 3: Completing the user profile

  • Add an email address. This is where their username and password to access Meddbase will be sent.
  • Check 'External IP Address Allowed' if you want the user to be able to log in from an external IP address.
  • Click 'Save'.

Step 4: Assigning a license

If your consultants will be logging in to Meddbase to receive referrals, you will need to assign them a license.

  • Click on the user's profile.
  • Click 'License' and choose whether to assign a full-time or concurrent license.
  • Click 'Save'.

Step 5: Adding additional details (optional)

Next, you may want to add some information to help other Meddbase users understand who they are referring to.

  • Go to the consultant's Personal Details page.
  • Click 'User Settings' in the action bar to open their settings.

Scroll down to ‘Public Profile’, then enter the consultant’s full title and any additional details. This information will be displayed to the referrer to assist in understanding the type of consultant they are referring to. If they have a twitter, LinkedIn profile or website, you can enter this information as well if you wish.

Save the details. The account is now setup and ready to receive referrals.

Review date

This article was last updated on 14th January 2025.