Release Notes - 7th May 2019

Article author
Danielle Bailey
  • Updated

Meddbase May Release Notice

The next version of Meddbase is due to be released on the night of May 7th and brings with it speed and stability improvements along with a long list of bug fixes.

General System Improvements and Fixes.

Billing Rules Speed Improvements

  • As more of you are using increasingly complex billing rules, we want to be able to support you. This release brings some changes to the system that should help charge bands update more quickly.

Document Printing Stability

  • We received feedback that some documents were being especially stubborn when it came to special characters. To get them back in line, we've updated our printing system to better handle this. 

Medical History View

  • An issue affecting the medical history view has been resolved, in which the history would automatically scroll to the current appointment. Now the medical history behaves as it did before and starts from the top.

Reporting On Documents

  • The document table now features the ability to report on document size. Sizes are given in bytes.

New Physiotherapy Specialisms

  • As more and more physiotherapists are making their way to Meddbase, we have added a list of new physiotherapy specialisms to the 'Referral Specialisms' list.

And so much more...

  • This has been our biggest bug and stability release in some time and we would love to hear your feedback. Please get in touch with our support team to let them know how we are doing!

Optional Feature Tidy Up & New Upcoming Features.

Changes to the Chargeable Features Page

    • Over the last few years we have introduced a lot of new tools to help you with your work, some of which were optional extras. In order to make adding these extras to your system more straightforward, the 'Chargeable Features' list on the configuration screen is now more comprehensive.

  • Please take the time to review this list after the release to ensure that you have all the features you expect enabled, and anything you are not using disabled to ensure this is correctly reflected in your bill.

A Look to the Future

  • We are working hard to bring you the following new features that we hope will inspire your workflow and revolutionize your Meddbase experience.
    • A new clinical form system including new layout options, mandatory fields, richer SNOMED integration and dynamic visibility conditions.
    • A workflow management system we are calling 'Pathways' enabling you to configure your Meddbase experience for the greatest possible patient care.
  • We are excited to bring these to all of our customers soon, and will be introducing these slowly over the next few months. Please get in touch with our support team to find out if you would like to see these new features in action.

Happy to help.

As always, if you have any questions about this release, please get in touch with our Support Team.