Addition of links to templates

Article author
Danielle Bailey
  • Updated

Meddbase offers within its Template section the ability to add links to the template you are creating. This can be done by selecting 'Ctrl' + 'L' or by selecting the link option on the template builder highlighted below:

Once this has been selected a pop up will appear asking for the options to be added:

Within this window the text you would like the end user to select to take to them to the website can be added to the 'Display Text' box this can be multiple or single words. The next step is to add in the Web address where the user should be directed to within the 'URL' box. Once this has been completed 'OK' can be selected.

From the image below it is visible that the colour of the link is slightly different, again this can be changed using the tools within the template builder.

Some users require this to be used in their appointment confirmation emails so this would just be a case of copying the template content and then pasting this into the confirmation template you require.