How to use the Mail Merge feature

Article author
Greg Pietras
  • Updated

What is the context?

Mail Merge is a Chargeable feature of Meddbase allowing mass SMS and(or) e-mail to a group of Patients, Medical people or Companies.

This can be used for marketing, invoicing, or just updating your contacts – any many other purposes

Click here for a detailed article on setting up the Mail Merge feature.

What is the purpose of this article?

This article will walk you through the process of setting up a Mail Merge (once the feature is enabled and configured) and sending it from the system. 


Mass email communication will be sent via SendGrid – so it will require you to set up a SendGrid account. Click here for SendGrid plans and pricing.

SMS will be sent from Meddbase at per SMS cost (as normal)

Setting up a Mail Merge

A mass communication setup process is essentially 3 steps:

1. Build the list of contacts you are going to send to
2. Specify what methods will be used (SMS/Email) and what content will be sent (from Template)
3. Review list of included and excluded contacts, once you are happy send it.


Building a Mail Merge query:

Building a Mail Merge query is very similar to building a Report query and involves the following steps: 

  1. From the Start Page navigate to Admin
  2. Click the Mail merge management tile
  3. Click New mail merge query



4. Select a root table for who you will be sending to (Company, Medical people or Patients)



5. Select the columns you want to see/filter on



6. Set up any filters or sort orders

7. Publish mail merge


Publishing a mail merge:

After publishing the mail merge you will see the following screen, this is where you specify what type of contact this is, how you are going to send it (SMS/E-mail) and what content you will send (Templates)

Sending the mail merge:

This is where you can review everyone who will be included and excluded in this mail merge, and the reason why they might not be contacted

Here is what the list's would look like before you send the merge (sensitive data here has been blurred)

Who will be contacted:

Those who won’t:



Review date

This article was last reviewed on 1st November 2024.