What is the context and purpose of the article?
There is a range of things you can do to manage cases. Some of these tasks can be done from Eligibility and Cases within a patient record. Other tasks can be done from within a Clinical form itself.
This article provides a walk-through of how to carry out key case management activities from within a Clinical form for an appointment. Specifically:-
- How to link a new case to an episode via a Clinical form
- How to edit a case from a Clinical form
- How to close a case from a Clinical form
- How to re-open a case from a Clinical form
How to link a new case to an episode
Where an episode does not have a related case, you can do as follows:-
1. From the Clinical form for an appointment, select the case field at the top of the screen
2. In the drop-down, select New case
3. Provide the Title for the case
4. Provide the Safe title for the case
5. If appropriate, select a diagnosis
6. Leave the status to ‘Open’
7. Select Create via the menu
The case is created and assigned to the Clinical form (episode).
How to edit an existing case for an episode
Where an episode does have a related case that needs to be edited, from a Clinical form for the appointment, you can: -
1. Select the case field at the top of the screen
2. In the drop-down, select Edit case
3. Make adjustments as required to its
a. Title
b. Safe Title
c. Diagnosis
Please note: By changing the status to closed, the case will be closed and the Clinical form will no longer be editable. |
4. Save the changes
The amendments for the case are made.
Please note: A case can be related to multiple episodes and multiple appointments. Therefore changes to a case will flow through to all episodes and appointments to which it is related. |
How to close a case from a Clinical form
Where a case needs to be closed, from the Clinical form you can:-
1. Select Close case
2. In the Confirm close case dialogue that appears, select Yes.
The case is closed. The episode is now no longer editable.
Please note: A case can be related to multiple episodes and multiple appointments. If a case is closed from one clinical form, this closure is applied to all episodes and appointments to which the case is related. |
How to re-open a case
Where a case has been closed, from the Clinical form you can:-
1. Select Edit case
2. In the Edit case dialogue that appears, select the Status field and change to Open
3. Select Save
The case is re-opened. The Clinical form to which the case is related becomes editable again.
Useful hints & tips for working with cases in Clinical forms
Below are some further useful hints and tips about managing cases in Clinical forms.
- When the pre-arrival case feature is enabled and a case is chosen during the booking process, the first episode in that appointment is assigned to the case selected during the booking
- If other episodes are created for the same appointment, they are not automatically assigned to the same case
- It is not possible to delete a case from a Clinical Form
- It is not possible to merge a case from a Clinical Form
- The rules for being able to edit case names will follow existing permissions that govern the ability to manage cases (e.g Can Close Case, Can reopen case)
Review date
This article was last updated on 20 April 2021 in the context of Meddbase version