Release Notes - 29th March 2021

Article author
Daniel Ignatov
  • Updated
We're already ramping up to release the next set of exciting additions to your Meddbase application, scheduled for the 12th of April. A summary of the changes is below.

Dazzling Diagnoses

Figuring out what the diagnosis for a particular case can be challenging, but recording it in your EHR shouldn't be. Following this release, you'll be able to record Diagnosis Codes in a Tree Structure, and present that structure to your Clinicians within the consultation. They'll also be able to search through the list to find the diagnosis most relevant for this particular case.

Watch this space for more detailed documentation, appearing soon in our Knowledge Base.

Cogent Case Assignment

We'll also be delivering some improvements to the way cases are selected during an appointment, particularly when you have multiple episodes of care contained within the same appointment. These changes are designed to make it easier to understand what cases are being assigned to each episode, and help organise the Patients' Medical History.

Magnetic Modules  

The Occupational Health portal 'Direct Booking' route is also getting some attention this time around. To make the experience closer to that on the Patient Portal, you'll now be able to let OH Portal users book modules on behalf of their employees, when using the Direct Booking Workflow. 
All you need to do to make this possible is ensure that you have 1 or more modules selected on a Portal Referral Rule which allows Direct Booking, and your client's users will start seeing them appear when making the booking.

SNOMED Decision Support Update

As promised we would like to give you an update on our SNOMED coding service in Meddbase. As you are aware, we have been actively working to resolve recent SNOMED issues to ensure SNOMED concepts map correctly and the Meddbase prescribing functionality, and associated decision support, are as accurate as possible. We are completing the reprocessing of any missed SNOMED concept mapping and will confirm once this issue is fully resolved and the decision support behaves as intended.

For the time being, please bear this in mind when prescribing in Meddbase and continue to apply additional due diligence where appropriate. Thank you for your patience while we work through this process.

Devoted to Dependability

As ever, we're using this time to improve reliability and performance and resolve any issues that we come across.
If you spot something that doesn't look right, let us know by submitting a Support Request.
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