Release Notes - 12th November 2020

Article author
Daniel Ignatov
  • Updated
The next Meddbase release is planned for the 26th of October, and we're taking the opportunity to make some improvements to the application, read on to find out more.

Sensational Security

Following on from our regular security and penetration testing, we're using this release as an opportunity to make several minor changes in line with the recommendations we received during the recent tests;

  • We have improved security around Meddbase email inboxes
  • Closed off some edge cases where Cross Site Scripting was possible
  • Correctly encrypt the ViewState of the page everywhere

Perfecting Portal Passwords

We're also going to be giving you more control over the complexity requirements which patients and managers have to abide by when setting or changing their password for the Patient or Referral portal. From this release, you will be able to specify the number of characters, number of passwords to keep, and some other rules, in a new Portal Password Policy found in Admin > Security Policy

Fabulous Fields and Marvellous Medical History 

One of the most important areas of Meddbase is the clinical system. At the heart of the clinical side of the application is the Meddbase Fields System which is responsible for recording and presenting medical records accurately and safely. In this release we're improving the backend of the Fields System in several important ways. You probably won't see any changes while recording data, but rest assured that Meddbase is doing even more than usual to make sure that your records are kept up to date in the most secure way possible.

Uplifting User Experience 

Finally, we're making a couple of improvements to the user experience across the application;

  • Giving a manager access to all 'Child' Departments will no longer give them access to the 'Parent' Department as well
  • Enabling the Healthcode invoicing will no longer stop you from editing a Clinicians Healthcode details
  • Asking a Patient to complete a questionnaire through the Portal as part of a Pathway will no longer present them with an error

Dapper Dependability  

As with every release, we're taking the opportunity to squash bugs, improve performance, and ensure the highest levels of reliability. If you spot something that doesn't look right; see it, say it sort it (or send us a support ticket).

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