Release Notes - 20th April 2021 Hot Fix

Article author
Daniel Ignatov
  • Updated

Meddbase Hot-fix Release Notice

We will be deploying a change to the main application this evening at 22:30 BST to address the following issues;

1.  Case Picker dialogue not being selectable in the Consultation screen, if the 'Pre Arrival Cases' feature was not enabled - The Case Picker will now show correctly whether the feature is enabled or not.

2.  Some Appointment Types not being bookable via the Occupational Health portal - These Appointment Types will now be able to be booked.

We expect the downtime to be minimal. 

If you do have any questions, let us know by submitting a Support Request.


Happy to help.

If you have any questions about this release, please get in touch with our Support Team.

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