Release Notes - 24th May 2021

Article author
Daniel Ignatov
  • Updated
The next Meddbase release is planned for the 7th of June, and there are some interesting changes coming with it. Below you'll find some details about what to expect.

Beautiful Billing Rules

One of the most powerful areas of Meddbase is the Billing Rules system, which allows you to build complex billing workflows that meet your business requirements while removing the need for booking team users to remember exactly when and how each service can be booked.
In this update, the administration of Billing Rules is getting a face lift; gone are the tiny green arrows responsible for moving rules up and down in a Charge Band or Rule Set list, and instead you can easily click and drag to move rules around within their list. 

Bidding adieu to Explorer

We updated our System Requirements documentation recently when Microsoft announced they were halting support for Internet Explorer 11. From this release, if you try to access Meddbase using Internet Explorer, we'll remind you that it's no longer supported, and give you some helpful information on which browsers we do support.
If you'd like to read our System Requirements documentation, you can find it here.

Peak Performance  

As with every release, we're taking the opportunity to squash bugs, improve performance, and ensure the highest levels of reliability.
In this release in particular, we've improved the performance of the report management suite and Document Template management screen, tidied up some annoying errors in the Occupational Health Portal, and fixed some edge case errors elsewhere in the system.
If you spot something that doesn't look right; see it, say it sort it (or send us a support ticket).

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