Finding a Clinician

Article author
Armon Lotfi
  • Updated

What is the purpose of the article?

This article aims to:

Steps to find a clinician

To find a clinician and open the record:

  1. Go to the Start page
  2. Navigate to the Find Clinician tool ( via Start Page > Clinician > Find Clinician)
  3. Input search criteria
  4. Select record from the result


Available search criteria

Once a user begins filling information into a field, Meddbase will begin searching. This way you may not even have to enter a clinician’s full name to reach the result you require, making searching efficient and getting you where you need to be fast.

Searches for a clinician can be defined by the following criteria:

Search Criteria Description
Clinician ID Clinician's ID
Surname Clinician's surname
Name Clinician's first name
Postcode Clinician's postcode
Email Clinician's email
Status Clinician's status (active or deleted)
Registration no. Clinician's registration number
Suffix Clinician's name suffix
Employer Clinician's employer
Virtual Clinicians Option to choose 'All Clinicians', 'Virtual Clinicians' or 'Real Clinicians'
Specialism Option to choose specialism of clinician


Available search result columns

The following columns are displayed in the search results.

Search Result Column Description
ID Clinician's ID number
Name Clinician's full name (Surname, Name)
Information Clinician information
Reg No. Clinician's registration number
Phone Clinician's phone number
Mobile  Clinician's mobile number
Email Clinician's email
Policy / Chamber The security policy applied to the Clinician record


Additional features

On the Find a Clinician page, there are some additional features. These are summarised below.


Navigate through search results

Where there are more records returned in a search than can be displayed on one page of results, you are provided with navigation arrows in the Search Results bar. These allow you to go to the First, Previous, Next or Last page of the search results.


Add New Clinician

If during a clinician search, you find that the patient does not exist within your system, you may add the clinician by clicking the ‘Add New Clinician’ button.


Export search results to CSV

As with many lists within Meddbase you may export a clinician search at any given time by clicking the export to CSV button (mceclip3.png) located near the bottom left corner of the 'Search Results' page.


Review date

This article was last updated on 29th October 2024