Welcome to the Meddbase customer feedback platform. We’re excited you’re here and we want to hear your ideas. These will help us understand what you are looking for in the product.
Below are some guidelines about how to make the most of the platform. It also sets out what to expect from us and what we expect from you.
Getting Started
To get started with the UserVoice platform, first Sign Up or Sign In using your email address. If after you've done that you can't see the Feedback forum, you may be accessing the site from a domain we don't recognise. If that's the case, please get in touch at productteam@meddbase.com and we can make sure your work domain is added.
Unfortunately, we can't grant access to generic gmail/hotmail domains.
What to do
To help make this a useful feedback platform for the product, we’ll find it really helpful if you:-
1. Search ideas already added to the platform.
2. Contribute to the conversation on ideas that have been shared by others (maximum of one post per idea please).
3. Vote on ideas that are important to you.
4. Add your own ideas too. 😄
What not to do
There are a few things we need you not to do:-
1. Do not use this channel for raising customer support requests for system problems.
a. We have a customer support team dedicated to issue management. Please contact our support team via our online support system to raise a support request.
2. Do not share any personal data.
a. This includes data for you, for patients, for colleagues or anyone else.
3. Do not use any language that is not respectful or expresses an opinion that is not relevant to the Meddbase product feedback platform (e.g. political, social, legal).
4. Add any content about your own or 3rd party products or services.
What we need from you
As this is a shared forum available to our user community there are some general rules of engagement. These are summarised below.
1. Please be respectful
a. We all have a unique view of the world. We want you to treat other contributors and their ideas with respect. We all prefer the summer sun to a cold north wind.
2. Please be clear
a. If we understand what you are looking for and why this helps us move it through our product analysis process.
What you can expect from us
You are right to have expectations of us. In terms of managing the ideas you’ve shared and providing you with meaningful feedback. With that in mind:-
1. We’ll review all your ideas and comments
a. Although we can’t respond to every suggestion and comment, we’ll read everything you post to get a full understanding of what you are saying to us.
2. We’ll engage in conversation to understand your ideas
a. We may reach out to you for further information such as the use cases for ideas you have shared.
3. We’ll close the feedback loop
a. We'll actively share feedback on a regular basis.
b. We’ll share status updates on where ideas are in the review life-cycle.
c. We’ll let you know which ideas become part of the Product roadmap.
d. We’ll let you know if an idea is not going to make it onto the product roadmap at this time.
4. We’ll carry out house-keeping
a. We’ll manage the content to keep it simple.
b. This may include updating the wording of ideas or moving them to an appropriate forum.
c. We may periodically archive ideas that are not going to be progressed at this time.
5. We’ll moderate information
a. We’ll remove any information that contravenes any of the guidelines above (this may be after the event).