What is the purpose of the article?
This article outlines the steps needed to create a new document type.
Steps to create a new document type
Sub-folders are called Document Types. You can create as many of them as you need. To do this:
1. From the start page, click on the 'Templates' tile
2. Simply click on New > Document Type
3. In the New Document type dialogue that appears
3.1 Add a Name
3.2 Select the Policy
3.3 Select the Account Type (e.g. All Account types, Patient, Company, Medical Person)
3.4 Select the Sorting order rule
3.5 Select Clinical tag value if required
3.6 Select Save when complete
From now this new Document Type will be visible in one of these folders whenever you create new Text, Word, Image documents, or structured templates.
Review date
This article was last updated on 30th December 2024.