Joining an online meeting

Article author
Dan Jordan
  • Updated

What is the context and purpose of the article?

Meddbase enables you to set up and manage online meetings. After an online meeting has been set up there are different ways to join it.

This article outlines how to join an online meeting. It also sets out the pre-requisites to doing so successfully.

    Please note: To use the online video meetings feature in Meddbase, the chamber must have Telemedicine enabled. Please contact the Support Team to arrange this.


General pre-requisites to joining an Online Video meeting

In order to successfully join an online video call, your device will need:

  • An internet connection (of good quality)
  • A microphone
  • Speaker
  • Ideally a webcam


How to join an online video meeting

There are a few different ways to join an online video meeting. These are outlined below.

Joining an online video meeting as an Admin from Meddbase

If you are an Admin for the online meeting, you can start the meeting to enable other attendees to join it.

To do this:

1. From the Start page of Meddbase, go to the Calendar

2. In the calendar at the top left of the page, select the date for the meeting

3. Click on the booked meeting from the display of time slots

Selecting a booked meeting - with annotations to denote how it can be selected

4. In the meeting displayed, select Join Video Meeting

Meeting page with annotation identifying the Join Video Meeting feature

5. In the new Starting your video call browser window that appears

5.a Enter your Display name

5.b Click on Continue

Starting your video call page

6. In the new Welcome to your video meeting browser window that appears

6.a Review the joining information as required

6.b Click on Join via your browser



7. In the Settings window that appears

7.a Allow access to hardware as required (in any pop-ups that appear)

7.b Select the appropriate Camera, Microphone, Speaker from the picklists

7.c Where sharing screen, make a selection from the Screen Share picklist

Video call - settings page with options selected for camera - mic - speaker

To now connect to the meeting

8. Click on the green Phone icon at the bottom of the screen

Select phone icon to join the call

You are now connected to the video call. Other attendees can now join the call too.


When complete

8. Click on the red Phone icon at the bottom of the screen

Select red phone icon to leave the call

Joining an online video meeting as an attendee from Meddbase

This is essentially the same as Admin; in that the attendee navigates through the calendar to the meeting and selects Join Video Meeting.

Join video call as attendees


Joining an online video meeting as an attendee via the email invitation

Where the attendee is not a Meddbase user but has been sent an invitation email, they can select the Join meeting option in the email.

Example of invitation email sent out for online booking

As above, from this step onwards, the process is similar to that described above.


Further useful points to note

Virtual waiting room

  • When joining a video call, the attendee may be directed to the virtual waiting room.
  • Here the attendee will be prompted as to which option they would like to connect to the call via.


  • If an attendee is using a computer, it will prompt them to 'Join via the browser'.
  • However, the meeting can be joined via a tablet or phone if there is not a desktop available, this may prompt to access the call via an external application to which they will be directed.

'Not an attendee of this meeting'

  • If the attendee is presented with a message 'you are not an attendee of this meeting', please review this article for further suggestions.


Review date

This article was last updated on 16th December 2024