Working with Repeat Prescription Tasks

Article author
Dan Jordan
  • Updated

What's the purpose and context?

Meddbase users can create tasks which in turn enable the creation of Repeat Prescriptions.

This article outlines:

From the release planned for the end of June 2022, the repeat prescription task can be used to create repeat both prescriptions and ePrescriptions.

Before you get started

There are some pre-requisites required to enable this process:

  • There needs to be an existing repeat prescription for the patient record in Meddbase to be able to select for repeat prescription via the task
  • To create a prescription or ePrescription based on a Repeat Prescription Task, the Drug database needs to be activated (via Admin > Configuration > Chargeable features)
  • To create ePrescriptions, the chamber needs to be configured and ready to use the Medication Delivery feature.

How to create a Repeat Prescription Task for a user

You can do this as follows:

1. Find the patient record

2. From the button bar within the patient record select Assign task > Repeat Prescription Task


In the New Task dialog that appears, default values are applied for Title, Start Date, End Date and Status.

3. From here:

3.1 Set the Assigned To value from the list of users

3.2 Set the Start Date and End Date as required using the date picker

3.3 Set other values as required


4. Select Save

The Repeat Prescription Task is created and added to the Tasks list for the relevant user(s).

How to review and action a Repeat Prescription Task

After a Repeat Prescription Task has been created, these can be reviewed and actioned.

To do this:

1. Go to Tasks from the Work group in the navigator

2. In the Task list that is then displayed, select the relevant Repeat Prescription Task


3. In the Task dialog that appears, click on Repeat in the button bar


4. In the Select prescriptions to repeat dialog that appears

4.1 Select drugs to repeat (by ticking the check-box to the left of the drug description)

4.2 De-select drugs that are not part of the Repeat Prescription

The Select drugs to repeat list is populated with prescriptions made that were marked as repeats, and are currently within their review period. You can show expired prescriptions if you want to expand the list of prescriptions from which you can select.

5. Where Warnings for ... dialogs are displayed

5.1 Review warnings

5.2 If you are satisfied it is OK to proceed, select Accept Warnings

You are presented with a Repeat Prescriptions dialog.


There is a range of actions offered at the bottom of the dialog as buttons. These are explained in the table below.

Button Outline explanation
Prescribe Creates a prescription record for the patient.
When created, the prescription is logged in the Medical History of the patient.
Save and E-Prescribe By selecting this option, a Send electronic prescription dialog is presented.
This enables the production of an ePrescription using the Medication Delivery feature.
When created, the prescription is logged in the Medical History of the patient.
Prescribe and Print
Creates a prescription record for the patient and enables a printout of the prescription to be produced.
When created, the prescription is logged in the Medical History of the patient.
Cancel Closes the Repeat Prescriptions dialog and returns to the Select prescriptions to repeat dialog.

6. From here, make the appropriate selection to

6.1 Create a prescription record

6.2 Create an ePrescription

6.3 Cancel the prescription record creation process

When the Repeat Prescription has been produced, the underlying Task dialog should be displayed again.

7. If you have finished with the task:

7.1 Ensure the Status is set to Complete

7.2 Then Save the task

The Task is then marked as completed and no longer displayed in the Tasks list.

Want to see more?

The video below (approx 1 minute) shows how to create the Repeat Prescription Task for a patient and then create a Repeat Prescription from the task.


Review date

This article was last updated on 3rd December 2024