Meddbase Newsletter - Q2 - 28th July 2022

Article author
Mike Gray
  • Updated


Here we share the latest developments for the Meddbase product, as well as our recent company news, to keep you updated with highlights of what the Meddbase team has planned for the rest of the 2022 and beyond.

This includes the launch of our new Medication Delivery service, the latest Product Roadmap, and a reminder of our latest product videos to help you get the most out of the service.

Now Available: Medication Delivery 

Following the completion of a successful pilot we are delighted to announce the launch of an exciting new feature: our Medication Delivery service.

This is the new paperless prescribing feature within Meddbase, offering you and your patients integrated dispensing of prescriptions, with a free delivery service.

This advance means there's no more worrying about follow-up signatures and our partner pharmacy provides next day delivery across the UK and same day courier services within London.

Meddbase's Head of Client Delivery Robert Nobrega has written a blog post explaining why, as a qualified pharmacist, he is especially proud of this innovation, and you can also find out more about the service on our website and by watching this video.

There is a small setup fee to add Medication Delivery to your Meddbase package and this is currently discounted by 50% for early adopter customers who choose to enable the feature before 30th September 2022.

For more information on our Medication Delivery service and to enquire about adding this service for your practice, contact your account manager directly or email

Twilio for Telemedicine 

We recently completed the move to integrate with Twilio for Telemedicine and have created a set of instructional videos around the feature and integration to help clients utilise the service easily and to maximum benefit for clinicians and patients.

Check out the videos below - and if you would like to request a video on this or any other aspect of the platform don't hesitate to reach out to the account management team.


Meddbase Product Roadmap

We shared a view of our product roadmap in the last newsletter, and thought it would be useful to include an up to date view of where our product developments are currently, showing progress that has been made, the features slated to come next, and those now in the planning stages.

As always this roadmap is just a guide to the proposed functionality that you can look forward to from your Meddbase system over the next 9-12 months. 

If you’d like to share your opinion on what we should be adding to this roadmap, make yourself heard via our UserVoice forum - we welcome and encourage client feedback and suggestions.


Welcoming our new Head of Growth

Nour Hussein
Head of Growth

This month we welcomed Nour Hussein to our Executive Team, to oversee exciting plans for Meddbase over the coming year, in new and existing domestic and international markets. 

With a background in the healthcare and technology industries Nour is well-placed to handle business development opportunities, and manage senior client relationships.

He will also be co-ordinating customer and commercial needs with the Meddbase product team, to help deliver our mission of joining up healthcare, improving patient care through better technology and fostering healthier lives. 

Nour will work closely with enterprise customers who are new to Meddbase while maintaining the personable team culture and approachable customer service we strive to offer all customers.  

Nour holds a double major in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology from the University of Greenwich


Add Meddbase As a Skill on LinkedIn

Did you know you can add Meddbase as one of your skills on LinkedIn via the Meddbase Homepage?

Simply visit the Meddbase LinkedIn homepage and click the Products tab and you will find a prompt button to allow you to add Meddbase as a skill on your own LinkedIn profile, to let industry colleagues know that you are familiar with the software.

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