Release Notes - 15th August 2022

Article author
Mike Gray
  • Updated
We'll be releasing the next update to your Meddbase system on the 30th of August for our UK and EU customers, and the 31st of August for our US and Canadian customers. Below you'll find some details of exactly what we'll be releasing this month.

Noteworthy Medication Notifications

Following this release you can keep your patients in the loop about their prescriptions automatically; when you send a prescription via the Medication Delivery feature, your patient will get a notification email confirming it and informing them of the next steps and what to expect. You can get more details in this Knowledge Base article.

You may have heard about the ground-breaking new Medication Delivery feature which allows patients to have prescriptions couriered straight to to their door. We announced this in the latest Client Newsletter, and if you'd like to know more please get in touch with your Client Account Manager.


Precise Pathway Parameters

A behind the scenes change that is equally worthy of fanfare is an update to the way the Pathways system deals with numeric values.

From this month, both Pathway triggers and scripts will be able to work with decimal numbers instead of just integers. This will allow more accurate control over when Pathways should trigger, and how values should be passed from one task to another.

There are many exciting things you can do with Pathways, so if you have a process you're interested in automating, please do reach out!


Top-notch Template Codes

We're always seeking new template codes to add to the system to make the process of creating documentation easier, more streamlined, and more powerful.

This time around, we're adding support for Patient Initials via template codes and upgrading the way in which we generate barcodes. You can read more about how to use the new codes here.


Compelling Clinical Forms

This month also marks the release of an updated version of our GP Consultation form. The improvements we're making here have been in the interest of providing more accurate tools for recording a patient's conditions, allergies, medical history and more.

If you're interested in trying out the new form, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Support Team.


Resolute Reliability  

As with every release, we're taking the opportunity to squash bugs, improve performance, and ensure the highest levels of reliability. If you spot something that doesn't look right; see it, say it sort it (or send us a support ticket).

Excluding hotfixes, our maintenance windows are as follows:

UK & Europe: Mondays and Wednesdays after 22:30 BST/GMT.
USA & Canada: Tuesdays and Thursdays after 09:00 GMT (03:00 CST) and after 09:00 BST (02:00 CST).

All releases will be scheduled after 22:30 BST/GMT unless otherwise stated. A brief period of downtime can be expected with these times.
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