Report Query Builder - Reporting on Billing Rules

Article author
Greg Pietras
  • Updated

What is the context?

The Report Builder is a Chargeable feature of Meddbase allowing you to build complex report queries and monitor clinic performance, patient population health, security audit data and more.

Furthermore the Report Query Builder allows you to export data sets to Microsoft Excel, and/or access data sets via secure HTTPS connections to move data into your own report visualisation applications like Microsoft PowerBI, YellowFin, Excel or Tableau. 

Click here for a full 'Introduction and report examples' article.


What is the purpose of the article?

This article will walk you through the process of building reports querying data contained in each of your Billing Rules.

As Billing Rules differ in regards to the data they hold and their configuration, reporting on a respective Billing Rule type allows querying information characteristic of that Billing Rule type*,

*E.g. Reporting on the Cancellation Rule type allows using the 'Payer Type' column, querying the entity responsible for paying the cancellation/DNA/reschedule charge (Patient or preferred Payer). No other Billing Rule type has such an attribute, therefore the 'Payer Type' column is unique to the Cancellation Rule type

Click here for other report examples.


Selecting the Root Table

The process of building a report querying Billing Rules can be broken down into the following steps:

1. From the Start Page navigate to Admin > Report management*.

2. Click New report query to open the Query Builder.

3. Select a table relevant to the Billing Rule of interest from the list of tables as the Root Table**.

*Building reports requires access to the Admin section.

**Selecting a Root Table determines what will be displayed in each Row of your report e.g. selecting Billing Cancellation Rules as the root table will result in a report displaying an instance of a Cancellation Rule in each row.

Click here for a detailed article on selecting a root table.


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Selecting a Root Table displays the Column Preview on the right-hand side, allowing you to view the Columns available in the selected table, as well as connected tables.

Tables querying Billing Rules can be divided into 2 categories, described below. 


Tables querying the Billing Rule label and configuration

Tables and their Columns belonging to this group query the respective Billing Rule configuration aspects and labelling details.

As an example, consider the Billing Price List Rules table.


A report with this table selected as the Root Table will show an instance of a Price List in each row.

The columns available in this table are as follows:

  1. ID - this column queries the Price List ID number automatically assigned to the rule upon its creation in Meddbase
  2. Name - this column queries the value entered in the Price List Details 'Name' field
  3. Price Kind - this column queries the value selected in the 'Price Type' dropdown menu (Total Charged Price or Benefit Maxima)
  4. Provide - this column queries whether the Price List has the 'Provide services with prices?' box ticked

None of the above columns query the services a given Price List provides. Instead, the Billing Price List Rules table focuses on the rule labelling and aspects of its functionality.

There are other tables available in the Report Query Builder that fall in the same category*:


Root Table

Report Output

Billing Cancellation Rules

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing Cancellation Charges Rules and allow querying their labels, and functionality attributes by using columns like:

Id, Name, Cancellation Kind, Notice Period and more

Billing Credit Rules

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing Service Credits Rules and allow querying their labels, and functionality attributes by using columns like:

Id, First Included Day, First Excluded Day, Periodic Renewal Enabled and more 

Billing Deny Rules

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing Deny Services Rules and allow querying their labels, and functionality attributes by using columns like:

Id, Name, Deny All Except

Billing Dynamic Price Rules

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing Dynamic Price Rules and allow querying their labels, and functionality attributes by using columns like:

Id, Name, Top Price Band

Billing Fee Percent Rules

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing Fee Percent Rules and allow querying their labels, and functionality attributes by using columns like:

Id, Name, Attendee Is Billing Company, Default Percent and more

Billing Fixed Fee Rules

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing Fee Rules and allow querying their labels, and functionality attributes by using columns like:

Id, Name, Attendee Is Billing Company and more 

Billing Invoice Group Rules

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing Invoice Grouping Rules and allow querying their labels, functionality attributes by using columns like:

Id, Default value

Billing Multiple Procedure Rules

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing Service Credits Rules and allow allow querying querying their labels, and functionality attributes by using columns like:

Id, Rule, Percentage of Supplement on Two Services and more

Billing Patient Portal Pathway Rules

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing Patient Portal Pathway Rules and allow querying their labels, and functionality attributes by using columns like:

Id, Name, Maximum Running Per Pathway

Billing Portal Referral Rules

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing Portal Referral Rules and allow querying their labels, and functionality attributes by using columns like:

Id, Name, Allow Booking, Allow Referring, Days To Make Contact and more

Billing Price List Modifier Rules

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing Price List Modifier Rules and allow querying their labels, and functionality attributes by using columns like:

Id, Name, Percentage

Billing Provide Services Rules

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing Provide Services Rules and allow querying their labels by using columns like:

Id, Name

Billing Rules

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing Billing Rules and their labels, and functionality attributes by using columns like:

Id, Name, Kind, Date Range Type, Start Date, End Date and more 

Billing RuleSets

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing Rule Sets and allow querying their labels by using columns like:

Id, Name

Billing Self Book Rules

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing Patient Self-book Rules and allow querying their labels, and functionality attributes by using columns like:

Id, Name, Allow patients to self-book


*The Reporting schema allows linking the tables belonging to the above category with other tables querying the Billing Rule type and the Services included in them, e.g.: Query_Builder_Column_Preview.png

Tables querying the Billing Rule services

Tables and their Columns belonging to this group query the services added to/selected on the respective Billing Rule and the services' labels, prices or other attributes, e.g. fee percentage value

As an example, consider the Billing Price List Services table.


A report with this table selected as the Root Table will show an instance of a service added to Price List(s) in each row.

The columns available in this table are as follows:

  1. ID - this column queries the Price List ID number automatically assigned to the rule upon its creation in Meddbase
  2. Service Price - this column queries the service price, incl. £0

There are other tables available in the Report Query Builder that fall in the same category:


Root Table

Report Output

Billing Benefit Maxima Rule Services

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing services added to/selected on Benefit Maxima Percentage rules and allow querying the service labels, prices or other attributes by using columns like:

Id, Percentage

Billing Credit Rule Services

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing services added to/selected on Service Credits rules and allow querying the service labels, prices or other attributes by using columns like:

Id, Service Credits

Billing Fee Percent Rule Services

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing services added to/selected on Fee Percent rules and allow querying the service labels, prices or other attributes by using columns like:

Id, Percent

Billing Fee Rule Services

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing services added to/selected on Fee rules and allow querying the service labels, prices or other attributes by using columns like:

Id, Fee

Billing Invoice Group Rule Services

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing services added to/selected on Invoice Grouping rules and allow querying the service labels, prices or other attributes by using columns like:

Id, Value

Billing Safe Name Rule Services

Selecting this table as the Root Table will produce a report showing a list of all existing services added to/selected on Safe Name rules and allow querying the service labels, prices or other attributes by using columns like:

Id, Safe Name


Review date

This article was last updated on 2nd December 2024