Release Notes - 18th October 2022

Article author
Mike Gray
We'll be releasing the next update to your Meddbase system on October 31st for our UK and EU customers, and November 1st for our US and Canadian customers.

Below you'll find some details of exactly what we'll be releasing this month.

Rich Reporting for Beneficial Billing Rules

A much-requested change is coming to Meddbase - the release of a new feature which allows you to report on your Billing Rules.

From now on, new root tables will appear when you're creating reports in the Meddbase Report Builder, allowing you to quickly and accurately export data contained in your billing rules.

Whether you're using this to get a good picture of your current charging structure, or as the basis of a mass update of pricing using the Import Layer, your Account Manager and Support Team will be able to give you advice on the best way to use these new reporting tools. 

There's also a Knowledge Base article describing the feature and functionality that you can expect to see.


Meaningful Medication Delivery Improvements

This month we're delivering a series of improvements to our native e-prescription service, which already allows your patients to receive their prescriptions direct to their front door.

Upgrades include:

  • Displaying the status of the e-prescription against your patient records, so you know when prescriptions are Dispatched, Dispensed or Cancelled.
  • Adding Patient email address to the e-prescriptions template.
  • Adding additional logging of events, to give more information to the Pharmacy Portal users about the history of each prescription.
  • Making enablement of the feature easier for clients.

If you want to learn more, please get in touch with your Account Manager.


Inspiring Icons

With this release you'll notice improvements in the way we display information using icons - updating various areas of the application with easier to parse, more clear and recognisable icons.

These are the first steps on a project close to our hearts here at Meddbase - to continually improve both User Experience and the User Interface of the application.

This is an ongoing effort which we will handle with the utmost care, and we expect to make continued progress over the next year.


Bountiful Booking Limiter

And finally, we're also rolling out a new optional feature which brings even more power and flexibility to the Booking Engine in Meddbase; the Booking Limiter.

You'll be able to use the Booking Limiter to create custom, complex and configurable rules around how many appointments of any given type can be booked into a clinician's session.

Given the power and flexibility of this feature, the best way to get all the information you need is by reading this expansive Knowledge Base article on the subject.


Resolute Reliability  

As with every release, we're taking the opportunity to squash bugs, improve performance, and ensure the highest levels of reliability. If you spot something that doesn't look right; see it, say it sort it (or send us a support ticket).

Excluding hotfixes, our maintenance windows are as follows:

UK & Europe: Mondays and Wednesdays after 22:30 BST/GMT.
USA & Canada: Tuesdays and Thursdays after 09:00 GMT (03:00 CST) and after 09:00 BST (02:00 CST).

All releases will be scheduled after 22:30 BST/GMT unless otherwise stated. A brief period of downtime can be expected with these times.
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