Release Notes - 15th November 2022

Article author
Mike Gray
We'll be releasing the next update to your Meddbase system on the 28th of November for our UK and EU customers, and the 29th of November for our US and Canadian customers. Below you'll find some details of what exactly we'll be releasing.

Marvelous Meeting Invitations

We're making some improvements to the emails sent to Meddbase users when they are invited to meetings. From this release, users will be asked to confirm that they want to leave a meeting they are invited to. This will improve a number of use cases, including preventing over zealous email clients from automatically removing people from meetings.


Powerful Prescriptions

Another improvement is coming to the Medication Delivery feature. With this addition, users will be able to cancel an e-prescription directly from their Meddbase instance, immediately updating our Pharmacy Partner that the medication shouldn't be dispensed.
This not only improves the user experience for the clinician but also increases the accuracy and completeness of the record that both the clinician and pharmacist view, ultimately providing a more clinically safe solution.


Poised Patient Pathways 

When generating documents to share with the Patient or Employer, from this release onwards, you'll be able to set the document to be shared automatically via the Patient or OH Portal.
This additional control is an excellent tool for saving administration time in the clinic, and also improves the speed of service your Patients or Clients can expect when interacting with your Clinic through the Pathways system.
If you'd like to talk in more detail about how Pathways could solve administrative or clinical workflow issues at your clinic, please get in touch with your Account Manager.


Useful User Experience

Continuing our ongoing project to make small but noticeable improvements to the User Experience of Meddbase, this month we're releasing 2 improvements;
Firstly, another batch of icons got a facelift, check out the Common Catalogues page for an example of the new look and feel!
Secondly, the status page notifications on the login page got a new look, giving a clearer picture of current status as well as some improved animations to make accessing the information easier for users.


Resplendent Referrals

We're also improving the visibility of OH Referrals created by Meddbase users on behalf of managers. Previously, referrals created when a Meddbase user booked an OH appointment which required a referral would be visible in the Occupational Health worklist, but wouldn't appear in the referrals list on the Patient Record.
From now on, not only will you be able to see referrals created this way for new bookings, but you'll also gain visibility over the referrals you created in the past.


Resolute Reliability  

As with every release, we're taking the opportunity to squash bugs, improve performance, and ensure the highest levels of reliability. If you spot something that doesn't look right; see it, say it sort it (or send us a support ticket).

Excluding hotfixes, our maintenance windows are as follows:

UK & Europe: Mondays and Wednesdays after 22:30 BST/GMT.
USA & Canada: Tuesdays and Thursdays after 09:00 GMT (03:00 CST) and after 09:00 BST (02:00 CST).

All releases will be scheduled after 22:30 BST/GMT unless otherwise stated. A brief period of downtime can be expected with these times.
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