New Security Permissions Now Live
We’re providing more refined control over user access within Meddbase, giving System Administrators the ability to configure permissions more precisely. These updates aim to improve security and operational flexibility.
Page Layout Permissions System Administrators can configure which users can modify various Page Layouts within the system (e.g. Patient Home Screen, Appointment Home Screen, Company Home Screen), ensuring more consistent and predictable user experience.
Billing Rules Permissions: You now have the flexibility to assign users the ability to create or modify Billing Rules independently of granting them System Administrator access. This provides an extra layer of control over sensitive financial processes.
Document Template Permissions: System Administrators can now define separate permissions for users who edit Document Templates versus those who edit individual Documents created from those templates.
Impact: Only users with the new 'Create and Modify Document Template' permission will be able to edit templates. Users who previously had the 'Create Document Template' permission have been transitioned to the updated 'Create and Modify Templates' permission, ensuring they retain access to template editing.
Removal of 'Can Modify Common Catalogues' Permission
We’ve removed the Can Modify Common Catalogues . This change won’t affect your workflow, as all the actions previously covered by this permission also required System Administrator access. You’ll notice the permission is no longer visible in the security settings, but this adjustment simplifies the configuration process without any impact on functionality.
For more information please see our Company Certificates Security Policy KB article.