Cancelling an Appointment

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What's the context?

If an appointment is cancelled you may want to record the event and have the opportunity to apply pre-configured Billing rules for cancellation charges.

What is the purpose of the article?

This article outlines:

Before you start...

It's important to note that:

  • Rules about charges for cancellation are set up in Billing Rules as a particular type of a Cancellation Charges rule.
  • An appointment cannot be marked as 'cancelled' if patient arrival for the appointment has already been recorded.

Steps to cancel an appointment

To cancel an appointment:

1. Navigate to the appointment.

1.1 Either via the Side-by-side schedule (via clicking on the Meddbase logo and choosing Schedule from the menu).

1.2 Or through Start > Find Patient > Patient record > Appointments section     .    


2. Select the appointment to be cancelled.

3. Click the Cancel Appointment option within the Actions pane.


You are presented with an Are you sure? pop-up dialog.


This enables you to select different values and take different actions. The features and options in the dialog are explained in the table below.

Option / Feature Explanation
Cancellation fee

The cancellation fee that is available to be charged to this appointment.

This amount is dependent on the setup of the Cancellation Charge Rule.

Payer The person or organisation who will be the debtor for any cancellation fee created.
Responsible party A drop-down value you can select to identify who is responsible for the cancellation. This list includes the patient, the clinical attendee(s) or the billing company.

A drop-down value you can select to set the reason for the appointment cancellation.

This list is configured in Appointment Amendment Reasons which are set via Admin > Common Catalogues.

Cancel and create charge By selecting this option, you record the appointment cancellation and create a charge as per the DNA fee shown in red in the dialog.
Cancel with no charge By selecting this option, you record the appointment cancellation but do not create a charge.
No action

By selecting this option, cancellation is not recorded.

The options to cancel, arrive or equally record a DNA will still consequently be available.

Additional options (not displayed in the screenshot above)

This button is displayed when there is no cancellation fee available to apply.

By selecting this option, you cancel the appointment.

In this example, we are going to 'cancel' the appointment but not create a charge.

4. Select the Cancel with no charge button at the bottom of the pop-up window.

The appointment is cancelled.


What is the effect of an appointment cancellation?

When an appointment has been cancelled, there are a few effects that are noted below:

  • Once the appointment has been cancelled the only remaining option available in the Actions pane of the appointment page is to add a document.
  • The cancellation may raise an invoice, depending on whether:
    • You have set up cancellation charges.
    • You choose to apply a charge when cancelling the appointment.
  • The cancelled appointment will no longer appear on the side-by-side schedule and as such this slot will become available once more.

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Review date

This article was last updated on 25th November 2024.