Working with the Invoice Grouping Rule

Article author
Dan Jordan
  • Updated

What is the purpose and context of this article?

You can use the invoice grouping rule if you want:

  • An internal company to become the creditor, acting as the billing company so that invoices are raised by them for specific services. 
  • To split billing items into separate invoices, where a billing item with a particular group will only be added to an 'open' invoice with the group code assigned to it. 

To help understand how you can work with the Invoice Grouping Rule this article explains:

To provides a couple of examples of setting up the configuration it also provides examples:


How to add an Invoice Grouping Rule

To do this:

1. From the Start Page go to Admin

2. From the Admin Page select Billing Rules

3. Select the company to which the rule should be added

4. Select + Add Rule

5. Select > New Invoice Grouping Rule from the menu


The Invoice Grouping rule panel is displayed.


5. Add field values to the different sections (using field and sections explanation and examples below for guidance)

The Invoicing grouping rule should be saved automatically.

6. When set up, add the Invoicing Group rule to charge bands as needed.


An explanation of the fields and sections in the Invoice Grouping Rule screen

Below is an explanation of the fields and sections shown in the Invoice Grouping rule screen.

Section / Field Explanation
Invoice Group Details
Name Set the name of the rule
Default Invoice Group The name of the invoice groups all services belong to unless overridden
Override Billing Companies
Invoice Group Code for invoice group
Billing Company Select the company to be invoiced
Invoice Groups Apply When...
Primary Doctor is Rule only applies if a specific doctor is attending
Site is Rule only applies if the appointment is at a specific site
Location is Rules only applies if the appointment is in a specific location
Tag is Rule only applies if the ‘Billing Tag’ for a session is equal to the text field
Services Invoice Groups The groups to which specific services are applied


Example 1: Splitting Billing Items into Separate Invoices

Invoice grouping allows you to split billing items to separate invoices. A billing item with a particular group will only be added to an ‘open’ invoice with that group code assigned to it. If no such invoice exists a new one will be created.

In this example, we have four services in our clinic and we want to group them into two Invoice Groups, A & B: 

  • Service 1 with Group 'A'
  • Service 2 with Group 'A'
  • Service 3 with no Group
  • Service 4 with Group 'B

To set this up you can go through the following steps:

1. Add a New Invoice Group Rule (as shown above)

2. Name the Invoice Group

3. In the section Override Billing Companies

3.a Add a row where the Invoice Group column value is 'A' and the appropriate Billing company is selected

3.b Add another row where the Invoice Group column value is 'B' and the appropriate Billing company is selected


4. Go to the Service Invoice Groups 

4.a Select + Show All 

4.b Write 'A' or 'B' in each service type that applies to each invoice group and leave blank those which do not apply to either


5. When set up, add the Invoicing Group rule to charge bands as needed.

When set up has been completed and invoices are raised for those services ....


....then the services are added to 3 separate invoices according to the Invoice groups.

This can be seen in a display of Invoices...


... and also illustrated in a presentation of Billing Items which reference the related Invoice number for the service.



Example 2: Billing an Internal Company separately

In the example below, we have a company called Priority Doctors LLP that acts as the creditor for an appointment type called Priority Doctors Consultations.

To make sure that the invoice for that appointment is raised by Priority Doctors LLP, we set up an invoice grouping rule that works as follows:

1. Create a new Invoice Group Rule (as shown above)

2. Within the Invoice Group Details section

2.a Name the invoice group as 'Priority Doctors'

3. Within the Override Billing Company section

3.a Assign the Invoice Group code as 'PD'

3.b Click the box for Billing Company and select the company, in this instance, it is 'Priority Doctors LLP'

Invoice Group Details with Name and Override Billing Details recorded

4. Scroll to the Service Invoice Groups section

4.a Click + Show All

4.b Write 'PD' in each service type which is to be included in this Invoice Group

Invoice Group Rule with code added for service in Service Invoice Groups

5. When set up, add the Invoicing Group rule to charge bands as needed.

When we book a Priority Doctors Consultation for a patient on this charge band, the invoice will then be raised by Priority Doctors LLP rather than the default chamber company.

    Please note: If multiple invoice groups are required, you can enter a ‘Default Invoice Group’ in the section at the top. This will default all invoices to be created by that company unless overridden.  


Want to see more?

This short video below walks through the Invoice Grouping rule setup steps for Example 2.



Review Date

This article was last updated on 3rd December 2024