Migrating Patients from other Charge Bands

Article author
Tamsin Watson
  • Updated

What is the context?

Patients may need to be moved from one charge band to another in bulk. This is particularly useful when a specific charge band is being deleted or restructured. 

Please note, patients can only be moved between charge bands if both charge bands belong to the same company. 

What is the purpose of the article?

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to migrate patients between charge bands efficiently, ensuring smooth transitions within the billing system.

Migrating Patients from other chargebands

Patients can be moved from one charge band to another of the same company, in bulk. This may be useful, for example, when deleting a specific charge band.

In order to do this, go to 'Admin' > 'Billing Rules'. 

  • Expand the relevant company, and click on the charge band you wish to migrate patients to.
  • You should now see an ‘Add Patients’ button at the top of the page, click here to begin the migration.

  • Open the company and the charge band you wish to migrate the patients from. You will now be informed of the number of patients who will be affected.

  • Click yes to complete the migration.

The patients from the old charge band will now be set with the new charge band as their default.

Review date

This article was last updated on 30th January 2025.