Release Notes - 14th February 2022

Article author
Daniel Ignatov
  • Updated
The next Meddbase release is planned for the 28th of February, and we're taking the opportunity to make further improvements to the application; read on to find out more.

Stunning Schedules

We let you know recently about some changes that are coming to the Schedule and Diary UI in Meddbase. We're very excited to announce that these are due to be released now. You can learn more in this Helpdesk Article, which breaks down all the changes coming with this release.

Terrific Telemedicine

We've sent a couple of communications over the last few months, letting you know about our plans to add a new Telemedicine provider, and the move away from our existing provider. We're happy to announce that with this release, you'll be able to start using the new provider, Twilio, for Telemedicine

To that end, we've produced some guidance documentation that explains how to Set Up the feature, as well as how to use it, from a Clinician's perspective as well as a Patient's.


Omnipotent Opayo Integration

Last month, we released an update to the Opayo integration which allowed your users to take 'Telephone Order' transactions, particularly helpful when patients are not present when the transaction takes place. To support you in  the use of these new features, we've updated our Knowledge Base to include the new functionality.


Prodigious Prescriptions

Updates continue to be made to the Pharmacy Portal used by our Partner, Signature Pharmacy, to access prescriptions sent to them.

Reminder: If you're interested in joining our group of Pilot Clients sending electronic prescriptions to an accredited pharmacy for delivery to your patients, do get in touch with your Account Manager to learn more.


Dapper Dependability  

As with every release, we're taking the opportunity to squash bugs, improve performance, and ensure the highest levels of reliability. If you spot something that doesn't look right; see it, say it sort it (or send us a support ticket).

Excluding hotfixes, our maintenance windows are as follows:

UK and Europe: Mondays and Wednesdays after 22:30 BST/GMT.
Canada: Tuesdays and Thursdays after 09:00 GMT (03:00 CST) and after 09:00 BST (02:00 CST).

All releases will be scheduled after 22:30 BST/GMT unless otherwise stated. A brief period of downtime can be expected with these times.
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