Working with the Price List Modifier Rule

Article author
Dan Jordan
  • Updated

What is the context?

There may be situations where you want to modify a Price List by a specific percentage. This could be to:

  • Apply discounts for patients on a specific Chargeband
  • Adjust prices according to the place where a service is delivered or the clinician who is delivering it
  • Modify prices in the context of Benefit Maxima.

This is where the Price List Modifier Rule can help.


What is the purpose of the article?

This article explains:


What does the Price List Modifier Rule do?

It enables the modification of an existing Price List by a specified percentage on a Chargeband. This is either for the total price charged or in the context of Benefit Maxima.

It can also be set to apply:

  • Under any conditions for a Chargeband
  • For a specific clinician, role, site, location and/or tag.


What needs to be in place before you create the Price List Modifier Rule?

Before the Price List Modifier Rule is created you need to have:


How do you set up the Price List Modifier Rule?

To set up a Price List Modifier Rule:

1. Go to Start Page > Admin > Billing Rules

2. Select the required company under which the Price List Modifier Rule should be created

3. Click on the + Add rule under the company to which the rule belongs

4. From the menu that appears, select New Price List Modifier Rule...

Select New Price List Modifier rule from menu in Billing Rules screen

You are presented with a Price List Modifier Rule Details panel on the right-hand side of the screen. This contains a range of fields and sections as outlined in the table below.

Section / Field Explanation
Price List Modifier Rule Details
Name Requires you to set the name of the Price List Modifier rule that will be displayed in the Billing rules list.
Price Type Requires you to select a value from a pick-list. Either Total Charged Price or Benefit Maxima.
Price List Requires you to select the existing Price List on which the Price List Modifier Rule is based.
Modify price % Requires you to set the percentage by which the Price List should be modified. A discount of 10% would be recorded as -10. An uplift of 5% would be recorded as 5.
Prices Apply When...
Primary Clinician/Role is Enables you to define that the rule only applies when a specific clinician or user in a role is attending
Site is Enables you to define that the rule only applies if the appointment is at a specific site
Location is Enables you to define that the rule only applies if the appointment is at a specific location within a site
Tag is Enables you to define that the rule only applies if the 'Billing Tag' for a session is equal to the text field

5. Set the Name for the Price List Modifier rule

6. Set the Price Type for the Rule

7. Set the values for Prices Apply When... as needed

Price List Modifier Rule

The Price List Modifier Rule is automatically saved as you update it.


What else will you need to do to complete set up?

Once you have created the Price List Modifier Rule, you will need to:

1. Add the rule to a Chargeband

2. Or add it to a Rule Set within a Chargeband.

    Please note: When a Price List Modifier Rule is added to a Chargeband, you do not need a Price List added to the same Chargeband.  


How could the Price List Modifier Rule work in practice?

In a simple scenario where:

1. A 'General Price List' has been configured with 2 appointment types each with a price of £100

Example - price list configured

2. A Price List Modifier Rule has been configured to

2.1 Have a Price Type of Total Charged Price

2.2 Use the 'General Price List'

2.3 Modify the price of services to apply a 10% discount by having a value of -10 in the Modify price % field

Example price list modifier rule configured

3. A 'Chargeband A' has been created and the Price List Modifier created above has been applied to it.

Example - Chargeband with Price List Modifier Rule applied to it

4. A patient has this 'Chargeband A' where the Price List Modifier Rule is in use


5. An appointment booking of the type Doctor Consultation is made for the patient via the Clinician schedule or Clinician Slot Finder


6. The 10% discount is applied from the standard Price List price of £100 for a Doctor Consultation

7. So that the price is shown as £90 in the Book Appointment screen

Example - Discount applied to the price for an appointment type



Please note: Price List Modifiers can be increases as well as decreases in prices.

So as well as giving a 10% discount, you could use them to cause a 10% uplift.



Review date

This article was last updated on 3rd December 2024