Case Management: Referral creation - Occupational Health

Article author
Greg Pietras
  • Updated

What is the Context?

The Case Management workflow in Meddbase is initiated by:

  • An OH Referral sent from the Referral Portal.
  • A booking made by a Meddbase user on behalf of the employer.

Putting it into context, Referral Creation is the first phase in the overall Case Management life-cycle.


What is the article purpose?

This article will walk you through the process of creating a referral in the Case Management workflow. Both via the Referral Portal and in Meddbase on behalf of the employer.


Referral sent electronically via the Referral Portal

The process of sending an OH referral electronically via the Referral Portal is as follows:

  1. Log into the Referral Portal
  2. Select Create New Case from the menu list*
  3. In the Create New Case screen, select the employee from the list for whom the referral should be created
  4. In the Refer employee screen that appears, once the employee details are confirmed, click Continue
  5. From the available list, select an available Appointment type
  6. In the Select a Case Title dialogue that appears, choose an option from the list
  7. In the Attach documents screen, browse for documents and add comments**
  8. When all relevant documents are attached, click Send Referral.

The referral is created and confirmed. 



Please note: The .gif below shows the Referral Portal user completing a questionnaire prior to sending the OH referral. This step is optional.

To create and manage Cases, the manager needs to have the Case Management permission granted on their record in Meddbase. Click here for more details.

** Attaching documents during this process is optional. Documents added at the Attach documents step will be sent along with the referral letter to the OH provider.





Referral created on behalf of the referrer by a Meddbase user

Instead of sending a referral via the Referral Portal, the referrer may contact the OH provider via email or otherwise and request a referral to be generated and a booking made on their behalf in Meddbase.

This can be achieved in 1 of 2 ways:

A) Creating a Referral without an appointment booking

B) Creating a Referral as part of an appointment booking


Creating a Referral without an appointment booking

To do this:-

1. Search for a patient record via Start Page > Find Patient
2. From the patient record select Refer patient

You are presented with the New Referral screen

3. In the Pick Referral Type section select Occupational Health

4. (Optional) Click in the Manager field and search for a specific manager to be assigned to this referral
5. In the Case Details section, create new or select a pre-existing Case
6. Click Next to continue

You now move onto the Write Referral iteration of the New Referral screen

7. Add Summary and Detail as required
8. Choose items from the Record Items to included list as required
9. Click Next to continue

    Please Note - You could change the Letter Template, listed at the bottom of the screen. In this example, we won't.  


You are next presented with the Attach Relevant Documents iteration of the New Referral screen

9. From the list of available documents on the left, attach documents as required (either from your local machine or from the patient's record)
10. Click Make Referral

The referral is created and sent to Occupational Health triage for referral processing.



Creating a Referral as part of an appointment booking

To do this:

  1. Search for a patient record via Start Page > Find Patient 
  2. From the Patient record book an appointment, (either via Schedule or via the Slot Finder) 
  3. Having selected the Slot, the Appointment type and the Clinician, click Proceed
  4. In the dialogue box presented provide details for the referral, including the Referral Manager and Referral detail
  5. Where required, re-assign the referral to a different case
  6. On the next screen, confirm the referral booking by clicking Save 

At this point, automatic booking confirmation messages are triggered. 

    Please note: Depending on the Appointment Type setup the user may be prompted to select an existing case or assign the booking to a New Case. 

Both require Pre-arrival Cases feature to be switched on. Click here for a detailed article.




Review date

This article was last updated on 2nd December 2024