Report Data Visualisation in Excel, Power BI & Tableau

Article author
Lucy Hynes
  • Updated

What is the purpose of the article?

To demonstrate how to set up and use third party visual reporting applications from Meddbase reports. This article will firstly explain the step by step process using the example report 'Appointments by Date' through Microsoft Excel which can also be followed when using other programmes such as Power BI & Tableau. 

The following topics will be covered:

1. Microsoft Excel

2. Power BI

3. Tableau


1. Microsoft Excel

How do you export report data?

To do this:

1. Find the report in which you wish to pull data into Microsoft Excel

1.1 In Meddbase, go to Admin > Report management

1.2 Select the report from the Reports menu

1.3 Copy the report URL

Report URL 2.png

2. Paste the example URL as below onto your notepad:

[Full alt text]

3. Open a new Microsoft Excel document

4. Name Sheet 1 in the Workbook parameters

5. Go to

5.1 Cell A1 and input the value username

5.3 Cell A2 and input parameter 1 i.e. date_from

The corresponding details need to be added in the cells in column B.

6. Go to

6.1 Cell B1 to input the username value

6.2 Cell B2 to input the input parameter value


You will need to repeat the above steps for each parameter in the query.

7. Add sheet 2 and name this data

8. Select Data in the ribbon at the top of Microsoft Excel

9. Select Get data > Legacy Wizards > From Web (legacy)

[Full alt text]

10. In the New Web Query dialogue that appears

10.1 Paste the example URL saved on Notepad

10.2 Select Go


You will now see sample data.

11. Select the arrow next to this and then select the Import button at the bottom-right of the New Web Query dialog

An Import Data dialogue is presented asking where you want to put the data. From here

12.1 Ensure that cell A1 should be highlighted in the worksheet

12.2 Ensure the Existing worksheet radio button is selected in the Import Data dialog

12.3 Then select OK


An Enter Parameter Value dialogue is presented asking you for your Username

13. In the dialogue

13.1 Input the Username value manually or reference the values you've added in the parameters sheet.

13.2 Tick 'Use this value/reference for future refreshes' if you do not want to enter the Username repeatedly

13.3 Click on OK


Another Enter Parameter Value dialogue is presented again asking you for your Password

14. In the dialogue

14.1 Input the Password value

14.2 Click on OK

We would not recommend recording the password as a parameter in the spreadsheet. We would recommend you input the password value each time the data is obtained.

If there are parameters in the report such as the 'Date from' for appointments, these are presented in further Enter Parameter Value dialogs.

15 In any further dialogs that are presented:

15.1 Input the required value or select the required parameter

[Full alt text]

15.2 Click on OK

Once this is completed the report query will be run and you will now see the data in Microsoft Excel.

[Full alt text]


Did you know?

If you don't have access to Legacy Wizards in Microsoft Excel, you can activate this as follows

1. Go to File in the Ribbon the top left of the screen

2. Select Options

3. In the Excel Options dialog that appears go to Data

4. Tick option From Web (Legacy) in the Show legacy data import wizards

Excel Legacy Web Wizard options.png



2. Power BI

How To Set Up Power BI

Power BI is a Microsoft app and can be found in the your apps section through Microsoft. To get started you will need a minimum of a Microsoft Fabric free account. There are various upgraded licenses which will give additional capabilities. 

Once you have an account and the application open, you can go straight into your data analysis. 


How To Use Power BI

The process of using Power BI is identical to the above steps using Microsoft Excel as it uses the same mechanics to pull data from the web using the URL provided.  

In Meddbase you can output data from a report as XML by manipulating the report URL in Meddbase. This can be achieved by replacing the `/Html.aspx` with `/Default.aspx` to produce output in XML format rather than HTML table.

[Full alt text]

Upon clicking 'Get Data' you will be prompted to chose where to pull this data from. As mentioned, while XML is preferred, you can use data from various sources as explained here by Microsoft. 


[Full alt text]

After opting to use the web, you can follow these steps as published by Microsoft.


3. Tableau

How To Set Up Tableau

Tableau is a paid-for service which does not have a free option but does provide an initial 14 day trial. If you do use Tableau then once you have set up an account you can utilise data from many sources. Here is a list of connectors that can be used.    


How To Use Tableau 

The commonly used method to connect your data in Tableau is through Microsoft Excel, connecting to .xls and .xlsx files. Here is a step by step guide on how to connect your data using Excel. 

Once you have your data connected, you can begin to build a view of to explore your data, there will be some variables depending on your how data is structured. Here is a guide which outlines how to build a view of your data. 

Tableau provide various resources on their website which can guide you through the process of setting up and using Tableau in more detail. You can also access a catalogue of training videos which can be found here, to view these, you need to be signed in but do not have to have a paid subscription. 


Review date

This article was last updated on 1st of November 2023 in the context of Meddbase version