Release Notes - 14th June 2022

Article author
Mike Gray
  • Updated



We'll be releasing the next update to your Meddbase system on the 27th of June for our UK and EU customers, and the 28th of June for our US and Canadian customers. Read on to find out all the details of the new functionality you can expect.

Straightforward Security Permissions

Ever wondered what a specific security permission does? Tired of having to go to the Knowledge Base every time you want to make a change to your Security Policy setup? From this release, you'll be able to see what each permission does right there on the screen, making the decisions you make when setting up or making changes to your policies easier.


Empowered E-Prescriptions

You may have heard from us about the pilot we've been running for the inbuilt e-prescribing service that allows prescriptions to be sent to our Pharmacy partner for delivery direct to a Patient's home. With this release we're further improving the service after listening to feedback from our pilot customers, by allowing medications to be e-prescribed from a prescription task. There's also a new Knowledge Base article discussing how to use Prescription tasks which you might find useful.
There will be more details regarding our e-prescribing functionality in our next client newsletter due in July. In the meantime, should you have any questions or if you'd like to use the functionality please contact


Tenable Tasks

We're also expanding the ability to view tasks that were associated with a Patient Record with this release. If your users are a part of the Task Administrator role group, when they look at a Patient's tasks list, they will be able to view not only the currently open tasks, but also the previously completed and archived tasks. This is particularly useful when you want to assure yourself that a task was completed or when you want to see the timeline that led to the closure of an older task.


Impeccable Imports and Rousing Reports

Another round of improvements to both the Import and Reporting systems is coming with this release; and we've put the full round up on our ongoing release notes page if you want to dig into the details.


Rapturous Reliability

As with every release, we're making making sure we provide you with the best possible service by fixing bugs, tackling issues and improving the reliability of your Meddbase system. Our ongoing maintenance release notes will give you all the details, as usual.
If you spot something that doesn't look right, please do let us know!

Excluding hotfixes, our maintenance windows are as follows:

UK & Europe: Mondays and Wednesdays after 22:30 BST/GMT.
USA & Canada: Tuesdays and Thursdays after 09:00 GMT (03:00 CST) and after 09:00 BST (02:00 CST).

All releases will be scheduled after 22:30 BST/GMT unless otherwise stated. A brief period of downtime can be expected with these times.
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